Saturday, 10 December 2016

East Coast Contour Multi-Height High Chair | Review

 Whenever I get asked to review a baby product, I will always use the same line. Choosing the right product for you can be such a minefield. It's a good job, us blogger's are here to lend a helping hand! Today, I'm here with a product I genuinely love and have found no faults with, the East Coast Nursey Contour Multi-Height High Chair


Thursday, 19 May 2016

Our weaning journey so far

Our weaning journey, so far, has been relatively straightforward. Memories of early weaning with my daughter always played on my mind. I found the whole processes very stressful. So this time around, I was determined to make the process an enjoyable one. Not to get too worked up and educate myself so I would be filled with confidence whilst weaning my son Henry.
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