Sunday, 3 April 2016

The Last Straw

You know when you reach that point, when you think "why do I even bother?", well, today I reached that point. Today really was the last straw. All week my anxiety has been at a high, no idea why, but it's been there eating away at me. Then this morning when I whipped my beautiful Canon EOS 600d to start a long overdue vlog (we took Darcie to do her first Park Run this morning and we were all excited to capture that moment), only to realise it was broken. I then just broke down. That's right, I cried, like my three year old daughter did over her beloved AppleJack pony that got a tear. My husband officially thought I had gone bonkers. 

Monday, 26 October 2015

Siblings | October

Another month seeing these two grow. I already can't believe how much Henry has changed, and too Henry's and Darcie's relationship. They're interacting more and more as the days go on. Henry has started to "chat" and Darcie loves it! I have been given the role as interpretation as Darcie is always saying "mummy what is he saying?!", we have lots of fun, Henry is quite the story teller! He is also smiling and doing this goofy half attempt at a giggle, normally this is again directed at Darcie. It's strange how he has already become quite attached to his big sister.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

52 Week Photography Challenge - Week 1

Hi all and welcome to the first week of my 52 Week Photography Challenge. This weeks theme is "Beginnings".  On a cold and very frosty morning I decided to head out and take some pictures. I find frost really beautiful the way it glistens in the sun (oh such a cliché) and quite an interest subject to photograph. This has inspired me to get some macro lenses, which I have found on amazon for a relatively cheap price (around the £30 mark), and have a little play! Anyway, whilst I was admiring the frost, I decided to write "2015". This week we welcomed 2015, and I'm so excited for what it may bring, the beginnings (see what I did there??!) of something wonderful hopefully!


Sunday, 28 December 2014

52 Week Photography Challenge - Introduction

For 2015 I really want to try and hone in my photography skills and so I have decided to make my own 52 week photography challenge.  This has been inspired by other popular photography challenges but I have altered the weekly subjects to reflect (and inspire) my own interests. 

If you would like to take part, I would love for you to link up with me. I will be posting my photo every Sunday along with a link up (if I can get my head round it that is!!), and think it will be a fantastic way of sharing each others creativity and special moments. 

The challenge will start next Sunday and the first subject is 'Beginnings'.

Have you ever took part in a photography challenge?

Mummy B xoxox

Saturday, 29 November 2014

The Girl In The Red Coat

Christmas is coming

Me and my girl spent the entire day together, after a week of being ill, it was some much needed us time. In our town the Christmas Lights were being switched on, so we decided to spend the day in town, drinking coffee (well I did anyway) eating cake, playing in the park and jumping in leaves. We had such a lovely day and managed to capture some lovely moments - she really does make me smile so very much. 

This final image looks like something off a Christmas card, in actual fact I think its my favourite picture of her. 

Smiling from ear to ear. I do love my girl.

Mummy B xoxox

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