Monday, 27 March 2017

Do you really need to eat 10-a-day?

Yes, we all know about 5-a-day, but do we know where this number came from, how much is one portion, and what are the benefits of eating 5-a-day or even 10+ per day?

Let’s start at the beginning, where did the 5-a day message really start. The World Health Organisation published an article in 1990 following a review of clinical data which suggested the more fruit and vegetables people consumed, the lower their risk of cancer, heart disease and strokes. They set a lower limit of 400g per day – no upper limit was set. The 400g per day does not include potatoes.

The NHS website suggests valid reasons for including fruit and vegetables each day in our diet – they are a fantastic source of vitamins and minerals and are a great source of fibre which helps to prevent constipation, maintains a healthy digestive system, and reduces the risk of bowel cancer. Fruit and vegetables also help to fill you up, and being low in calories and fat they are beneficial for managing body weight.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Garlic, Parmesan and Basil One Pot Pasta

Scouring Pinterest for a nice quick meal, I always stumble across one pot pasta recipes. They instantly appealed to me because the prep time is minimal and all you have to do once you put all the ingredients in is stir occasionally! Perfect for busy mums.

So here is a recipe I adapted to try out a one pot pasta dish. 


1 table spoon olive oil
4 gloves of garlic, minced
2 cups of chicken stock
1 cup of milk
2 tablespoons of butter
Salt & peper to taste
1/4 cup of parmesan cheese
Chopped parsley


Heat oil in a large pan (I use a wok which worked well) on a medium heat, add garlic and cook for about 1-2 minuets stirring frequently.

Stir in chicken stock, milk, butter and pasta and then season to taste.

Bring to a boil then reduce heat and simmer until pasta is cooked (around 18 minuets). 

Then stir in parmesan and parsley until sauce is thick. If you find the source too thick for your liking just add more milk.

Serve immediately and add parsley to garnish.

This dish is so delicious and everyone in the house finished theirs and asked for more. Massive hit for Darcie too!
Have you tried any one pot pasta recipe's? What's your favourite?

Mummy B xoxox

Monday, 6 April 2015

A Healthy Banana Split | Happy Healthy Family Eats

A healthy dessert banana split

With Easter now been and gone you may be looking for a more healthy alternative dessert/treat for you and your little ones. Whilst watching one of my favourite YouTuber's Jess, she gave me just that - a healthy and very yummy banana split! 

I decided to give it a go and see if it really was as yummy as she made out, I also wanted to see if it would be a hit with Darcie. Luckily it was a hit for both of us, its such a fantastic snack and can switched up depending on your tastes.

So let's get started.

Firstly, using coconut oil, fry banana, cut in half, for a few mins on each side. This should be done on a low heat so not to burn the banana (which I did!). Using coconut oil is relatively new to me but after reading all the health benefits I am now converted!


Sunday, 20 July 2014

GM Diet/Cleanse // Day One

Ok so you will now see me eat my own words.... A while ago I wrote a post about how I wasn't going on any special diets before my wedding day, as I wanted to focus on controlling my anxiety (which I have quite good control over now). However, yesterday I went for my final dress fitting and it was a little tight, it zipped up, but was tight! Now it was incredibly hot, the dress kept sticking to me and I'm about to come on (sorry TMI!) so I always bloat and gain around 4lbs around this time, but it terrified me that it was a little snug!

So I have decided to do a bit of a cleanse in preparation to make sure I'm not carrying any water weight and perhaps shed a few pounds to make sure it fits comfortably. On my Pinterest fitness board, I remembered I found a cleanse/diet that claimed you could shed 10lbs in one week. I have my doubts, and I certainly don't want to lose that much but I thought I would give it a whirl...

So the GM diet/cleanse goes a little like this....

As you can see it does look a little daunting, but you can eat as much fruit and veg as you like on the particular days so hopefully it won't be too difficult! I think the thing here is I will be craving lots of different food, but the thing to remember is that it is only for seven days! Now there is a reason for why it is structured the way it is...

"Day One you are preparing your system for the upcoming programme. Your only source of nutrition is fresh or canned fruits. Fruits are nature’s perfect food. They provide everything you could possibly want to sustain life except total balance and variety.

Day Two starts with a fix of complex carbo-hydrates coupled with an oil dose. This is taken in the morning for energy and balance. The rest of day two consists of vegetables which are virtually calorie free and provide essential nutrients and fibre.

Day Three eliminates the potato because you get your carbohydrates from the fruits. You system is now prepared to start burning excess pounds. You will still have cravings which should start to diminish by day four.

Day Four, bananas, milk and soup sound the strangest and least desirable. You’re in for a surprise. You probably will not eat all the bananas allowed. But they are there for the potassium you have lost and the sodium you may have missed the past three days. You will notice a definite loss of desire for sweets. You will be surprised how easy this day will go.

Day Five, Beef and tomatoes. The beef is for iron and proteins, the tomatoes are for digestion and fibre. Lots and lots of water purifies your system. You should notice colourless urine today. Your allowance calls for the equivalent of five “quarter ponders”. Do not feel you have to eat all this beef. You must eat the six tomatoes.

Day Six is similar to day five, Iron and proteins from beef, Vitamins and fibre from vegetables. By now your system is in a total weight loss inclination. There should be a noticeable difference in the way you look today, compared to day one.

Day Seven finished off the program like a good cigar used to finish off Victorian meals, except much healthier. You have your system under control and it should thank you for the flushing and cleaning you just gave it."

So Day One went a little like this...

Start Weight: 165lbs
Current weight: N/A

Breakfast: One large glass of water, one orange and one apple.
Morning snack: One large glass of water, handful of blueberries
Lunch: One large glass of water, quarter of a water melon, raspberries and blueberries.
Dinner: Two large glasses of water, water melon, apple, orange and blueberries in a bowl.
Snack: Water
Snack: Raspberries and blueberries blended smoothie with a splash of water
Before bed: One large glass of water

Notes: I did have pangs of hunger throughout the day, but I think thats expected as it is obviously not my normal eating habits! I'm looking forward to tomorrow, especially the baked potato! 

Have you ever tried a cleanse? Did it work?

Mummy B xoxox
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