Wednesday, 31 May 2023
How to Create Engaging Blog Articles
If you're a UK blogger looking to make a splash with your articles, I've got you covered. Crafting a successful blog post that resonates with UK readers may seem like a daunting task, but fear not! In this article, I'll walk you through some key steps to help you create a blog article that not only grabs attention but also provides genuine value to your audience.
Thursday, 21 February 2019
What do you need to start a successful blog?
Image Credit: Unsplash
Blogging is a lot of fun. It’s a way to express yourself, offer people advice and make a little bit of extra money on the side. As side hustles go, blogging is definitely one of the most popular options as pretty much anyone can do it.
No matter what your interests are or how experienced you are as a writer, there is a real joy that comes with writing down and sharing your thoughts. Though an audience may not appear overnight or be the people you imagined, as your audience grows, it’s difficult not to feel just a bit proud of what you have achieved. But if you have never blogged before, what do you need to get started?
Tuesday, 24 July 2018
Making Money from Blogging? Here's What You Need to Know
For most, blogging is a hobby. A place where you can have a creative outlet, a way to keep memories captured for future reference, but for some it can become a way of making money, a business. If you're new to making an income through blogging then keep reading.
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Thinking of Re-branding?
Run an established blog? Thinking of rebranding? Why would you do that?
For many, the risk of changing the name of something that people have grown to know and love is often a too bigger risk to take. For me, the feeling of being boxed into my current "brand" feels a little suffocating. I want to branch away from the "Mummy" - sounds weird as this is still such a huge focus but I write about so much more than this now.
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
Why I won't play the numbers game anymore
Blogging is hard work anyone and everyone who has dipped their toe into the blogging work will know that blogging is hard. If you let it, it can be all consuming. You see, for many, blogging is a numbers game. A game that can lead you feeling deflated, comparing yourself to others and for some the need to feel like you need to buy followers (yes, this sadly happens). It's a game I just don't want to play anymore.
Monday, 5 December 2016
Efluent 5 International Blogging Conference in Paris
Last week I was invited to Paris to attend the Efluent 5 International Blogging Conference which is hosted by French magazine Parole de Maman. They hand selected 15 UK bloggers to represent UK Bloggers at the event - I was pretty overwhelmed when I received my invite, later that morning I was added to a facebook group with the other invitee's and I couldn't get over the other amazing bloggers attending - some of my favourites!!
Sunday, 3 January 2016
Blogging Goals for 2016
Whilst I have made a number of personal goals for 2016, there are a few goals I have made for the blog too. I thought it might be nice to share with you as I have been enjoying other's who have done similar posts. 2015 has been a fantastic year for my blog and I'm really proud how far it has come along. I was fortunate enough to work with some fantastic companies, awarded Next's blogger of the month for October and was featured in Esential's magazine as 'Top Blog" in thier December issue. My readership has almost doubled and I'm so thankful that so many of you come back and (seemingly) are enjoying my posts.
Friday, 13 November 2015
One Proud Blogger
This week could easily have been one of the worst I've had in a long time. Struck down with a serious case of d&v (sorry if that's a little TMI!) to the point where I have had to have anti-sickness tablets to ensure I don't lost too much fluids due to also breastfeeding Henry. It's been a hard slog, but I have had three lots of amazing news which I'm so happy to share with you!
Firstly, last week I was tagged on Instagram on a #WIDN, Emily who had tagged me, tagged a picture of some magazines she was about to read. An hour later she tagged me in another picture...
I actually couldn't believe my eyes, little old me in Essential's magazine as "Top Blog". It was a very bizarre moment. I immediately rang my hubby who then went and got a copy, along with my mum too who went and did the same. To be recognised for my work in a published magazine on a national level is pretty incredible.
On Tuesday I got a lovely email from the guys at Next, they had awarded me with Next Blogger of the month for November. From a huge brand like Next, whom I absolutely LOVE, it's another amazing achievement of recognition. When I told my hubby the new's he was like "that's huge!". I think it was a proud hubby moment for him haha.
Lastly, a personal goal was finally achieved this week. I managed to crack the Tots100 top 500 at 399. Now to some of you that may appear to be not that big of an achievement, but the Tots100 is out of 1000's of bloggers and I have been hovering around the 700 mark for a couple of years. Since having Henry I have been working on my engagement with followers across social media and I really think this has helped boast my score. It's so nice to see hard work paying off.
Right that's enough of my boasting.
Do you have anything you have achieved recently? I would love to hear as it's nice to see lots of positivity in the blogging world.
Mummy B xoxox
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Six Blogging Hacks
Do you ever feel that blogging can become slightly overwhelming at times? With constant pressures to create fresh new content, engage with readers, reach a wider audience, manage social media accounts, respond to comments and emails it's only natural that sometimes we can feel a little bogged down in the blogging world.
Thursday, 1 January 2015
How to keep your blog organised throughout 2015
As with most years, January is a month were I feel the urge to try and get organised, whether it be at home, work or on the blog front. Today, I thought I would share with you some of the things I am doing to try and be a wee bit more organised whilst blogging throughout 2015. First thing I have been doing is setting up a couple of spreadsheets on my MacBook, I have created a schedule spreadsheet so I can have a good overview of the month ahead and also another spreadsheet keeping track of any earnings.
Saturday, 22 November 2014
Life at 100mph
Getting organised ready for the new year
I'm a mum, a wife, full time worker, homeowner and blogger who is just trying to make her way in the world. Sometimes, when the days are just passing me by, I sometimes feel like I'm desperately trying to tread water and stay afloat of all the things I'm supposed to do. I definitely haven't taken an easy path, but I'm certainly enjoying the journey. There will be no "woe is me" here, just simply someone who is constantly trying provide all that I can for my family, whilst being the best version of me that I can be.
Being a graduate of the recession, my chosen career path was no easy feat. In fact, so many hurdles (like the fact no one was hiring) lead me down a very different career path. Education. Although many people may think that this career, along with its fabulous holidays , is an easy one, I soon learnt that it was actually a great challenge and, at times, I struggled. Having said that, I do love my work.
Now, after two years of blogging, I'm starting to generate a regular income. Which is fantastic, but also brings along so many more pressures. As I work, full time, and want to produce content that my readers will like, I sometimes feel slightly swamped. This hobby of mine, has it become a chore?
No. But I am concerned that something soon will have to give. And as I look around my living room, with piles of washing everywhere, letters left unopened, newspapers from two weeks ago, it's safe to say my poor little house has suffered! Being organised is something I really need to work on, at home, work and with blogging too! I have downloaded social media schedulers like that of Hootsuite, in a bid to try and reach out to my readers a little more. I'm also wondering if I need to have specific "blogging" days. I don't want to put pressure on myself, as I would hate for blogging to become a chore. As, let's face it, I blog for me as well as for my readers.
My reason for this post is that I want to hear how you stay organised? Whether it be with your blog or at home, please share your posts below or leave ideas in the comments. With the New Year just around the corner, I would love to have already given this resolution a damn good kick start!
Mummy B xoxox
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