Monday, 21 January 2019

The Ordinary Moments - A New Saturday Routine

It’s been a long time since I joined in the “The Ordinary Moments” but being in the here and now and appreciate the little things is truly important to harbouring a positive mindset and promotes wellbeing. Through last years struggles I’m determined to improve my mindset and capturing and reflecting on our ordinary moments will no doubt do just that. So apologies if this is a little too boring or personal, but this is something I would encourage everyone to do, be it in the form of your own blog posts or in a journal. Take a moment and remember just how wonderful the ordinary is.


Sunday, 6 March 2016

Mothers Day 2016

Firstly, happy Mother's Day to all the mummy's out there doing their best for the most important people in their lives. Hope you've all had a wonderful day spending it with the ones you love the most!

This is my fourth Mother's Day, but my first as a mum of two. This morning I woke to two snoozing little people who were snuggling up so close to me, all I could feel was warmth and love. Even if they had crept into my bed at four am! My husband then got home from work (he was a night shift!) walked in and smiled - then presented me with a plateful of goodies and a nice cup of tea - was the perfect way to start the day.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

"Be Best Friends Mummy"

"Be Best friends Mummy" is something that our girl has said to me and my husband on quite a few occasions whilst I have been pregnant. It's safe to say as this pregnancy has gone on, my temper and patience has been a little frayed at times leading to snappy comments to my poor hubby. Hearing my Daughter say these words have made me feel like an awful mummy and wife, as I can see worry on her face if we are ever arguing. She is a determined and happy girl, and always says our family are 'best friends'. 


Tuesday, 21 July 2015

A week of ups and downs

These past 7 days have been quite tough, you may have noticed my absence on the blog front and that most certainly hasn't been on purpose. Last week we discovered that Darcie had a very bad urine infection, one that almost got her admitted to hospital as the doctor was so concerned! But luckily, despite it being a bad infection, it actually had little effect on her (only when she went to the loo!) and the doctor was happy for her to continue her treatment at home. She will have to have a visit to hospital in the coming weeks to have an ultra sound - that will be interesting trying to explain to her they are not looking for a baby! The reason for the ultra sound is to investigate whether there is anything physically wrong. I'm obviously hoping that isn't the case. On top of this I have been experiencing dizzy spells and headaches again, luckily my mum has been on holiday this week so has really helped out looking after Darcie and me. So thank you mum!

Despite the hardness of this week there has been some incredibly lovely moments. On Saturday I went to a big family BBQ with my entire family, it was so nice as we hadn't all got together in such a long time (even at my wedding my cousin didn't make it due to her about to pop with her beautiful twin boys). What was so special was seeing Darcie play with all my cousins children - the next generation. It brought so many memories back from my own childhood, I couldn't help but feel very content and incredibly lucky. 

Yesterday I also got to see baby at my 32 week growth scan. Everything went beautifully and baby is such a good size already, estimated at 4lb 12oz at 32 weeks exactly! And to top my week off completely we put baby's room together and I feel so happy that its finally done. I keep going in there and just sitting in my nursing chair dreaming of September...

Finally today was my last day at work, I have the wonderful six weeks of summer holidays off then officially start maternity leave in September - timed that right hey?!?! 

So now it's time to relax and enjoy the final few weeks as a family of three, make sure you pop back soon for a nursery room tour and some more baby/pregnancy updates!

Mummy B xoxox

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Darcie's One Liners #1

Toddlers come out with the most funniest of things, they really are little comedians in their own right. With that in mind I thought I would start making a note of some of them, for this was the reason I started this blog in the first place. So without further a do, here are a few one liners that Darcie has come out with over the last few months.

"Oh mum, I just can't possibly do that. I have a baby in my tummy so I probably shouldn't." - This occurred the other morning when I wanted her to get her shoes on. I wonder where she got this phrase from?!

"But I just want to save the world." - This afternoon whilst launching herself off the sofa.

"MUM, daddy left the bloody bag in the car." When we couldn't find her nursery bag last week. Yes slightly naughty but you can't help but giggle.

"Oh granny I have an idea. I sit here and you go get us Ice Creams. That sounds like a good plan." - Quite a few months ago whilst in Thetford Forrest, this still tickles us today. It was more how she said it that was the funny part.

"What you sayin?" - All I can hear is Joey Essex...

"Mum I hope you're behaving" -When I was busy in the kitchen one evening.

"I love my baby *babies name which I wont reveal*" - This is actually not really a one liner as such, but Darcie says this all the time and just melts my heart. She is so ready for his arrival.

I'm hoping to make this more of a regular post as I just want to make sure I document all these (slightly silly) things. As she is getting bigger, the milestones seem to be getting further and further apart. But, to me, these ordinary memories are equally important as those big milestones. 

What funny little things have your little ones come out with recently?

Mummy B xoxox

Sunday, 14 June 2015

{The Ordinary Moments} Hello Threenager.

We have all heard of the terrible two's, and maybe even experienced the drama of new found independence of toddlers. But for some, including us, we have been dealing with a completly new kettle of fish... the threenager. When Darcie blew those candles out on her third birthday cake, we thought we had escaped those bad toddler behaviour moments, but for us it seem like it was the beginning!


Sunday, 17 May 2015

The Ordinary Moments | The Best Husband

When pregnant and hormones are flying all over the place it's not really hard to imagine some of the arguments I have had with my poor husband. They are totally irrational, pointless and always full of emotion. I hope I am not the only one, but when I'm pregnant I become, well, slightly bitch-tastic and my husband is (thankfully) the only one who has to deal with it. Being pregnant is a crazy ride, one in which I am slightly more prepared for second time round. Emotions are constantly all over the place from feeling intense love for my hubby to wanting to walk out of the door because he left a towel on the bed. Yes, really (and this is despite the fact my side of the bed has turned into a floorobe - but hey I'm pregnant, it's acceptable, what's his excuse?!). All jokes aside, when I'm feeling rational (yes, you do get those occasionally when pregnant) I can't help but feel sorry for him having to deal with my absurd emotions.


Sunday, 12 April 2015

Best Friends {The Ordinary Moments 15}

There is something so special when you see your child have a bond with another little person or two. Today we attended Darcie's "best friend's" birthday party and in the days leading up to this it has been clear to see that she really does treasure this little friend. 

 Playing in her room the other morning (whilst I was having a sneaky bath), I overheard her talking to her toys. She was telling them all about how she was going to her best friends, Lilly's, party and saying "This is what I'm going to wear, isn't it lovely? I think Lilly will like it too". Gahh, it was just the sweetest thing hearing her sweet little voice talking like that. 

This morning we went to pick out her present (yes I'm so flipping organised leaving it till the last min!), it was just me and her taking a little stroll around the shopping centre and whilst we were waiting for the shops to open she started to tell me exactly what she wanted to buy for her friend. She told me that she knew she would want a handbag and that this was a brilliant "plan". As this was her best friend, I had to agree, I mean she must know best! 

So we headed for the Disney store, and Darcie picked up a Disney Princess Handbag and matching activity book. She trotted off to the cashier and asked if she could have them for her friend. After I paid, she insisted she carry the bag all the way back to the car. Once home, she helped me wrap the presents and she wrote in her card. We then headed off to the party.

Once there she made a beeline for her friend, giving her her present who then put it on the gift table. They then trotted off to play together. They were inseparable the entire time along with their other little friend Harry. These three have been friends since they where just a few months old and over the past (almost) three years it has been an absolute pleasure to see them all grow into their own little personalities but to also see that they still happily play together so well.

When the party was over and we headed home, Darcie was a little disheartened that she didn't get to see Lilly open her presents. I told her not to worry and that she would of loved her gift. I could see it was playing on her little mind. Then just before I was about to put Darcie to bed, I got a message from my friend Hayley telling me that Lilly did indeed like her bag and that Darcie knew exactly what she would've liked. So when I tucked her up in bed, I told her what Hayley said her little face lit up. She went to bed one contented and happy little girl.

This kid is just too darn cute and has such a big heart.

Mummy B xoxox

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

A happy girl makes a happy mummy {The Ordinary Moments - 2015}

I don't know if its the beautiful weather, my gorgeous smiley girl or the prospect of become a mummy of two, but at this present moment in time I am so incredibly happy. 

Every morning I wake up and I feel so positive about life and where we as a family are heading. There are of course things that worry me daily - like money, but that still doesn't stop me from thinking how incredibly lucky we are. This year has seen quite a lot of change and exciting new chapter's in our lives.

Monday, 12 January 2015

{The Ordinary Moments 15} #2

For this weeks ordinary moment, simply just melted my heart. Again. I think that's one thing about being a parent, these little moments just jump out of know where and completely blow you away.

This moment happened whilst we were swimming on Sunday. We are really trying to encourage Darcie to become more confident in the water as we haven't taken her very often. Bad parent alert! But we have been for the last two weekends and we love it. Darcie has always loved water and has never really been scared or intimidated by it, I think its really important your child learns to swim its such a vital "life skill" - plus its lots of fun! Anyway, we were busy playing away and Darcie had started to swim (with armbands) between me and Jamie. When I say swim I mean she we give her a little push so she glides through the water and then she kicks away... She suddenly then shouted "THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVEEER" in true Tangled style (if you have seen the film you will know what I mean!) and me and Jamie just grinned like big kids! She then threw her arms around mine and Jamie's necks and planted two huge kisses on each of our cheeks. 

Whilst this is a moment was such a lovely one, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at the same time. Darcie clearly loves to swim that I wish we had taken her more during her little life! We will certainly be making up for lost time.

Does you little one/s like to swim??

Mummy B xoxox

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

{The Ordinary Moments 15} #1

I have decided to try and link up with the wonderful Katie at Mummy Daddy Me more, and write about our ordinary moments. Because, lets face it, these are the ones that are so easily taken for granted.

Over the weekend I was thinking a lot about returning back to work and how I will, yet again, miss my little Darcie B. There were so many moments when I just sat back and observed my little family, and thought just how grateful I am for all that we have and how much love I have for these two special people.

On Monday we popped into town to do a few bits and bobs, like get the forms for Darcie's passport. I didn't get my first passport until I was around 11, when I first went to Disneyland and now Darcie will be doing the same. She is an incredibly lucky girl. So, once we had done our errands we headed to Costa's for a little treat. I say a little treat, Darcie has become quite addicted to Babyccino's! Once we had our beverages, we took a seat on the comfy sofas so we could just chill out. 

Darcie had finished her drink, she asked her daddy if she could have a story. Our local Costa's has a fairly good selection of books for little ones. So she picked up her story and plonked herself next to her daddy and he started to read the story. I sat opposite them listening to Jamie become the storyteller Darcie adores, when another elderly lady sat close by to us catches my eye. She is watching Jamie and Darcie with admiration and then makes eye contact with me and smiles. In that moment it hit me again, I love this man to pieces. 

I decided to write this little piece of our everyday life, because I wanted to remember just how proud I felt in that very moment. How a stranger can feel touched by just seeing a father read to his daughter. Its a simple thing, but in this busy and hectic world we live in, can be something so magical and heart warming. 

Mummy B xoxox

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