Wednesday, 27 May 2015

SUNUVA | Kids UV Swimwear & Beachwear | Review

After this afternoon, I well and truly feel like summer is here. Enjoying the sunshine is something we (of course) all love to do, especially our little girl who loves to play outside as much as she can. But, with the gorgeous summer sun all parents look to make sure that their little ones are protected whilst they are having lots of fun and purchasing your little ones some UV protective summer items is just the ticket.

SUNUVA is a brand that specialise in uv protective gear for children, their designs are bright and beautiful and perfect for days in the sunshine. SUNUVA was formed by two like minded mums who where frustrated with the lack of stylish UV protective gear for kids - it's safe to say that they have successfully changed this! When browsing their site I was love in everything, and found it hard to not want to go a little crazy! But I settled on the gorgeous Indian Paisley Rash Vest (£39), Swim Shorts (£36) and Hat (£22).

The quality of the items are incredible, which is what you would expect with (what I would say is) higher end swim gear. I love the brightly coloured designs and the beautiful little features each item has, like the wooden buttons on the sleeves of the rash vest, everything about it screamed quality.

I have to admit, I had never herd of 'rash vests' before, but they are super soft tops that children (and adults) wear on tropical beaches to keep them protected. SUNUVA's range keeps out more than 97% of the suns harmful rays, which helps puts us mums at ease. The fabric used is of breathable  to help keep the little ones cool in the sun, it's also very quick drying for when you're in and out of the pool. The hat and shorts also offers 50+ UPF protection. Perfect.

With a range that covers all that you need from babies to toddlers right through to teens, SUNUVA really does have everything that you need for your summer holiday wear.

Are you off on holiday this year?

Mummy B xoxox

*We were kindly sent these items for the purpose of the review. All thoughts, opinions and images are my own.
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