Friday, 8 January 2016

Making 'We' Time

When you have little ones getting any quality time for yourselves can feel like a rare occurrence, and you begin to forget what it was like having some time as a couple without the demands of tots. But for your own sanity and the sake of your relationship it’s important to set aside evenings, even just a few hours to spend as a couple, enjoying each others company, and having to the chance to be yourselves rather than mum and dad. If once a week simply isn’t achievable, diarise an evening with your other half once a month, and ensure that you both stick to it and commit. 

Of course the real difficulty always lies in finding something different to do rather than the usual dinner or cinema date, although this may feel like a luxury in itself. This list of ideas should help to reinvent your date night and make you feel as though the world is your oyster, even if it’s just for one evening. 

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