Saturday, 25 January 2020

Monthly Check In | January | 2020

Feeling like it's day 282 of January? Yes, me too. For this month has seemingly dragged so much so I have no idea what the actual date is or indeed what I have even achieved this month. I started the year feeling positive and fairly carefree, whereas now I'm feeling pretty miserable - and it ain't no January blues but we will get to that in a moment.

Something I wanted to do for 2020 was get back to my “roots” with blogging - going back to that diary format that I have slightly drifted away from in recent years. I love that I get to write about all sorts of things on here, exploring my passions and working with some great brands. However, I have missed that kind of brain/memory dump (perhaps that’s the wrong word!) that my blog used to be and recently I went back and read some of my earlier posts and loved looking back at different points in my life. I want to get that back. So, each month I’m going to write a little “check-in” - a place where I can spill all my thoughts, special moments and woes!


Saturday, 9 March 2019

A Magic Monday at The Cosy Club

You will all know if you've followed me for the past year that Monday's are my favourite. Since dropping my hours it has literally revolutionised my work/life balance and I'm so thankful I made that choice. My husband and I dubbed it a Magic Monday as both children are at school/nursery and we get to be us for a few hours.

On Monday, we decided to head to Norwich for a mooch around the shops and basically coffee shop hop! It's something we used to do all the time when we were first dating - finding random spots to people watch, chat, daydream and of course, drink coffee (although back then it was pots of tea, I think becoming parents hardened us!).


Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Roarr Dinosaur Adventure Park | Review

Over the half term, we were kindly invited to visit Roarr Dinosaur Adventure Park in Norfolk. They were having a fantasy-themed week and as we know the park is so well loved, we couldn't turn down an opportunity to visit.


Monday, 21 January 2019

The Ordinary Moments - A New Saturday Routine

It’s been a long time since I joined in the “The Ordinary Moments” but being in the here and now and appreciate the little things is truly important to harbouring a positive mindset and promotes wellbeing. Through last years struggles I’m determined to improve my mindset and capturing and reflecting on our ordinary moments will no doubt do just that. So apologies if this is a little too boring or personal, but this is something I would encourage everyone to do, be it in the form of your own blog posts or in a journal. Take a moment and remember just how wonderful the ordinary is.


Monday, 8 October 2018

Autumn in Woodbridge

The colours are changing and the weather is definitely starting to cool, autumn is well and truly here and whilst it may be cold outside, it brings me so much warmth and joy. It really is my favourite time of year.


Saturday, 6 October 2018


In September I turned 30. I'm sure I could write a whole blog post dedicated to how I'm supposed to feel. I'm sure I could have come up with some amusing analogies and motivational quips about entering this decade but, in all honesty, I feel slightly meh.


Sunday, 17 June 2018

Then There Was Ten #TheGerbilDiaries

This week, well past two months, have been incredibly busy. As a teacher, it's exam season and so work has been so full on, Jamie has just got a promotion which was a very stressful and long process in order for him to get it and of course the mortgage drama, which is now complete (yay!). So on Thursday night when I was putting Darcie to bed I was not expecting the events that occurred.

Darcie was emotional. Overtired but trying everything in the books to get out of going to bed on time. Through her tears and the list of reasons she couldn't possibly go to bed, I began to get a little distracted by some lustful gerbils, which amused me greatly because they're boys. I had never seen them behave in this way and was getting a little concerned when I heard lots of squeaking, I thought one of them was getting hurt! Then I saw something moving in the sawdust and what I saw had me stunned.


Sunday, 3 June 2018


And so she is six. My beautiful baby girl turned six this weekend and to say I haven't been emotional would be a lie. I don't know if it's because this year has been a hard one or because six just seems really old, but there have been a few moments where little tears have been shed.


Monday, 2 April 2018

Our Easter Sunday

It's raining, in it's true British Bank Holiday Monday style but you know what? I'm not the least bit bothered. We've had the most wonderful weekend and no amount of rain or negativity can take away from the memories we've made and to me, that's exactly what Easter is all about. Making memories and spending time with family.


Monday, 26 March 2018

Feeling Free

If you follow me on social media then you would have seen some very exciting news, I have finally passed my driving test. Yes, at almost 30 I have finally ticked that off my 'to do' list and boy does it feel good. I guess for most of my readers you have experienced this event, the moment your examiner says "I'm pleased to tell you, you've passed" and you experience a real sense of pride and achievement and of course, it's your ticket for freedom. Most probably had that moment in their late teens/early 20's but for me, I waited until the age of 29. 12 years after I had my first driving lesson and 12 years of having to rely on others as an adult.

You may be wondering why it has taken me so long and in hindsight, I'm kind of wondering that too.


Friday, 2 March 2018

Snow Days

It's the 2nd March and we're currently on snow day day 4. We haven't seen snow like this in years and quite frankly I'm a little bit blown away by the amount we've had and the disruptions caused. It's safe to say the UK really isn't geared up for snow! Having said that, I have seen so incredible examples of community spirit, those with 4x4's offering to do food shop runs, collect medication, take vulnerable people to medical appointments. Farmers pulling vehicles out and clearing roads, it's been pretty incredible to witness.


Monday, 29 January 2018

Magic Mondays

If you follow me on social media then each Monday for the past few weeks you will have seen me refer to Monday as my Magic Monday and let me tell you, they've changed my life for the better. Yup, I love Mondays.


Thursday, 25 January 2018

Travel Plans for 2018

2018 will be the year of adventures, that's a promise I've made to myself. Whether big or small having experiences and making memories with my little family is the aim for the year. We've already got some lined up and I thought I would share with you our travel plans for 2018.


Sunday, 21 January 2018

Hello 2018

It's 2018 and I thought it was about time I got back into writing. I've had almost a whole month off, something which wasn't planned but I'm actually quite thankful for. 2017 was a complete mix bag for me, hugely successful workwise but filled with many personal challenges. I'm actually quite thankful to have left it behind.


Tuesday, 28 November 2017

A Wellie Walk around Southwold

This Sunday a walk on the beach to blow away the cobwebs was definitely needed. It has been a long and hard month this November and it was good to take stock with the little ones and big one (aka Jamie, my husband). It was such a glorious sunny crisp day, perfect for finding treasures and eating chips (and hot chocolate).


Tuesday, 31 October 2017

You make me smile

I can't help but smile this evening. It's Halloween and what a wonderful evening we have had. Nothing out of the ordinary, pumpkin carving, chatting with neighbours and watching our children play, dressing up, letting the kids paint our faces and then off trick or treating. All the usual Halloween festivities. What has made me smile the most is my two littlies. There warmth and characters have filled me with so much joy.


Saturday, 21 October 2017

Baby Room No More

It's been a while since I wrote a "mum" post, but day's spent writing about milestones seem to be getting further and further apart. I no longer have babies but children. I feel like I'm going through a bit of a weird transitional phase. It's kind of why I feel the need to move away from "Mummy B" to K Elizabeth (a rebrand is happening soon guys!), that my life is no longer based on these baby milestones or what baby product is a necessity, but more towards our happiness as a family. My littlest is growing and my son's nursery highlighted this when they informed me he was moving up into the "big" room.


Saturday, 12 August 2017

A boy with very few words

My boy turns two in a few weeks and up until recently, I was starting to get quite concerned with his communication skills and lack of speech. By the time Darcie was two she was talking in complete sentences, we were even able to ask her what she would like for her birthday and she was able to give us a long list of ideas. As a teacher, I know all too well that every child is different and learns, grows and develops at different rates but I kind of feel it's only natural to compare and worry. I mean that's what us mums do best... worry!


Friday, 4 August 2017

Happy Anniversary

On the 2nd August, it was the mine and Hubby's 3rd Wedding anniversary (we've been together almost 12)!  As I say when any monumental date comes along, time goes so flipping quickly! Our wedding day was literally one of the happiest days of my life. All the copious planning and build up were completely worth it. The day was filled with happiness, a day spent with close family and friends. It was intimate, relaxing and everything I hoped it would be.


Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Broadstairs Adventure

On Sunday, my husbands only day off in 9 days, we decided to make a picnic and head out for a walk somewhere. We wanted to get out of the house and explore - even if that meant taking our wellies (the weather was pretty dire). We loaded up the kids in the car and headed out of our drive. We looked at each other and said, "well where are we going to go?". Ideas were thrown around but Jamie pulled a wild card and suggested Broadstairs, a place we lived in for 3 years whilst at University. It's around a 2.5-3 hour drive but we had a hankering to visit.

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