Monday, 13 August 2018

Declutter Baby Items | Minimalism

Henry turns three in a matter of weeks. He has outgrown the baby stage, the toddler stage and is now firmly a pre-schooler. We say goodbye to those phases of parenthood and it feels somewhat bittersweet. I'm not afraid to say that we are "done" with two. Two is the perfect number in our family and whilst in some ways it's sad we won't experience those magical newborn days, it's time to embrace the new chapter in our lives as our children continue to grow.

Over the six years, we've been parents we have collected a lot of stuff. Stuff that we told ourselves we needed in order to make our lives easier. Sleep aids, bouncers, monitors, food blenders and mountains upon mountains for clothes and shoes. When I see it all sat there it literally makes my eyes water at the thought of how much money we've spent over the years.

So on my journey to a more positive and mindful way of living, having stuff around me that no longer serves me, like said baby items, need to go.

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