This is the first post I have written since we’ve entered these strange times and it has really taken its grip on the lives of the people of the UK. As both my husband and I are classed as key workers we have been extremely busy and the blog has had to take a backseat and probably will throughout this. This last week has truly been horrid. Saying goodbye to my students, not knowing when I would be seeing them was hard. Delivering food to those who are vulnerable, even harder. Something else that has been playing on my own mind, and selfishly so, is the fact that my husband is a type one diabetic, at risk. But he is still required to do his role. Front line. It feels like we’re being sent to war and I’m completely terrified of the end result. That being said, we all have our roles and as a Teacher I thought I would share with you free printable’s and resources that might come in handy if you’re having to home school your children.