Saturday, 21 October 2017

Baby Room No More

It's been a while since I wrote a "mum" post, but day's spent writing about milestones seem to be getting further and further apart. I no longer have babies but children. I feel like I'm going through a bit of a weird transitional phase. It's kind of why I feel the need to move away from "Mummy B" to K Elizabeth (a rebrand is happening soon guys!), that my life is no longer based on these baby milestones or what baby product is a necessity, but more towards our happiness as a family. My littlest is growing and my son's nursery highlighted this when they informed me he was moving up into the "big" room.


Saturday, 12 August 2017

A boy with very few words

My boy turns two in a few weeks and up until recently, I was starting to get quite concerned with his communication skills and lack of speech. By the time Darcie was two she was talking in complete sentences, we were even able to ask her what she would like for her birthday and she was able to give us a long list of ideas. As a teacher, I know all too well that every child is different and learns, grows and develops at different rates but I kind of feel it's only natural to compare and worry. I mean that's what us mums do best... worry!


Monday, 3 October 2016

Nap Time Carpet Creations with Carpetright

Something all parents have done at one time or another is placing your baby in amusing poses and photographed them while they’re asleep. It's almost like the done thing, its so hard not to resist in
their cute and sleepy state. The lovely guys at Carpetright completely gets this and have launched a Carpet Creations competition.


Friday, 9 September 2016

Henry at 12 Months Old

One year ago we were preparing to take Henry home, a whole year has passed since he was born. A whole year. You will tire of me saying this, but boy that year went quickly. Yesterday (his birthday) I unfortunately, had to work and so he spent the morning with his Daddy and sister at the beach. I'm told he had so much fun, and from the pictures he certainly did! In the afternoon we spent time playing with his new toys and then my family came round for tea and cake! It was lovely and relaxed and at the weekend we will continue to celebrate by taking a trip to the zoo.


Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Henry's First Birthday Prep

With one month to go till Henry's first birthday, the birthday prep is well underway. We've purchased most of his presents and it's just the finer details we've got to put together. I think we will take him to the zoo the weekend after his birthday, his actual birthday falls on a Thursday and  I will be working and his sister at school. So a trip to the zoo would be the perfect way to celebrate as a family. On the day I would like to have a little afternoon tea party where his grandparents can come visit too.


Monday, 8 August 2016

Henry at 11 Months Old

How is it, that in one month time my baby boy will be one? I just can't deal with how quickly time has gone by, there are times where I have found myself on the verge of tears because my baby is now entering toddlerhood. As we know that Henry is our last, I think I'm feeling even more emotional than I did when Darcie was about to turn one. I have previously written about how Henry is our last baby, but I still feel like I'm clinging on to the baby days - which are running out fast. I have to keep reminding myself that I should be celebrating all milestones, instead of feeling sadness that my baby boy is growing so fast.

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Henry at 10 Months

We've reached double figures, Henry is ten months old. I just can not believe that it's only two months till his first birthday, and yet being a family of four just feels so right, like it's always been this way. It's funny how that works. 

I have to admit there is very little to report this month. He still has just the two teeth. He is still crawling around at the speed of light. He confidence cruising around the furniture is growing and he's starting to let go and stand independently. I'm sure this means walking will soon be on the agenda. 

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Henry at Nine Months

My little boy has been out in the world for as long as he was in my belly, my baby is now nine months. NINE MONTHS. I'm not sure where this year has gone, but I keep trying to reach for that slow motion switch but unfortunately it's out of my reach and time, as always, is just flying by. 

Henry's been a busy boy this month, he now has two teeth which explain's why he has been so grumpy. He's had some quite bad day's teething, including some quite high temperatures which did worry me slightly. Darcie never got a temperature with teething so this was something new. He has been particularly grumpy again recently so I'm thinking more are on their way.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Henry at 8 Months Old

Henry is eight months old. Keeping with tradition, I will say the same thing I do every month, where did that last month go? 2016 seems to be whizzing by before my eye's which means that my little man is seemingly growing at an alarming rate too. He has changed so much this month and growing up to be a very curious little boy who is full of adventure. 


Friday, 29 April 2016

Time Stops For No One

Time stops for no one, it's a phrase I often hear but have always taken for granted, but time really does stops for no one. This is something that has struck me recently, my babies have seemingly grown so much so, that I feel like this time is slipping through my fingers. As much as I try to cling on, time is moving forward and isn't waiting for me.

I have said before just how proud I am of them both, and I am. Every day they both amaze me and make my heart burst with pride, but in that very same instant my heart begins to ache. These baby days are numbered. Knowing that Henry is our last baby makes every milestone make the tick tock of the clock tick even louder. 

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

My 7 Month Old at Nursery

It's currently just gone 2:30, I've finished my first day back at work after the Easter Holidays and I'm patiently waiting to go and pick my two little munchkins up at 5pm. It's Henry's first full day at nursery and I'm anxious to see how he handled the day. We decided to keep them at Nursery till 5pm because that is Darcie's normal hours, so it seemed pointless changing it. Plus it gives me a little time to do any work that needs doing at home or for the blog, yet all I'm doing is clock watching and resisting the urge to hop in the car and pick them up early.


Monday, 11 April 2016

Henry at 7 Months Old

Another month has been and gone and my little boy is now 7 months old. This month he's seemingly transformed right in front of my eyes into this very mischievous little dude. He is now very mobile and get where ever he wants by doing a weird little shuffle crawl which I've dubbed "The Worm". Whilst I know this is such a major milestone a little part of me want's him to stay little forever. I think that's fairly normal with your "last" child. Plus, he now want's to get into absolutely everything including, shelves, drawers and chomping on wires. Some serious baby proofing needs to take place in our house!

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Henry at Six Months

baby at six months old

Yesterday you turned six months old. I can't believe you're six months old already, celebrating your half birthday. You will get tired of me saying this, but where has the time gone? Six months ago me, your daddy and your sister waited all day long for you to have your checks and for me to have mine so we could take you home for the very first time. Eventually, at around 6pm we were allowed to take you home and work out how to function as a family of four.

Monday, 15 February 2016

Henry's at Five Months

My handsome little man is five months old and he has seemingly changed so much this month! So let's jump into his update and fill you in on what he's been getting up to.

This month Henry experienced his first taste of solid food. He had been trying to grab food out of our hands for a little while so we decided to try him on puree's. We always said that we would try and wait till he was six months, but this little chap had his own ideas and was clearly ready. Not all babies are text book so I know I'm comfortable with our decision. We have been making our own puree's and he's had a couple of the pouches too (they're fab for on the go!) and he has tried a lot of different fruit and veg. There hasn't been anything he dislikes so, so far so good!.


Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Henry's Room Tour | Video

I have done a quick tour of Henry's small but perfectly formed room if you fancy taking a peek! It's one of my favourtie rooms in the house, so calming and relaxing!

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Henry at Four Months Old

Henry James is four months old! How is he four months old already?! I can't get over just how much he has changed in the last month. Personality wise, it would seem he is developing a sensitive little soul, or as I like to call him, my little wuss pot (only kidding). He is becoming more aware of the world around him and can be very unsure of unfamiliar noises etc. However, he does love to meet new people and is seemingly pretty confident, he doesn't mind being "passed around". This is making me feel a little more at ease because in just a few months I will be returning to work, so I'm hoping he will continue being a confident little chap when he is away from me.


Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Where have we been? | Henry's First Cold | Vlog/Blogmas Day 15

So, I'm missing a few day's of Vlog/Blogmas, a nasty cold has hit our two little ones! Whilst Darcie has been such a trooper Henry has been pretty miserable and has been constantly attached to me. His first cold is a milestone I didn't want us to reach this soon.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Henry at Three Months Old | Vlog/Blogmas Day Eight

My little dude is three months old today. Three months! As I say every month, as do all parents, doesn't time fly? The wait for their arrival seems like the longest nine months, but once they're here time seems to go at double speed. 

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Henry at Two Months old

Henry is two months old, in actual fact he is ten weeks old today! These last 10 weeks have been some of my happiest, I definitely feel that our little family is now complete after his arrival. My heart feels whole. 

So what's new this month?


Thursday, 8 October 2015

Henry at One Month Old

Henry is one month old today and I can not believe I am typing this, where has this month gone? Well one thing is for certain it has been the most special and perfect month. I feel as though I am in a dream world, how can life be this good? 
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