Sunday, 2 February 2020

How to Meal Prep for 2020

Meal prepping is something I swear by. It helps me save money, feel organised and eat more healthily   - when I meal prep I feel like I’m already winning the week and if you haven't started doing this, do it now!


Sunday, 24 June 2018

Top Tips for Storing an Extensive Private Wine Collection

There are all kinds of different collections a person may choose to invest in. Whether it is an art collection, coin collection, or even something like classic toys, collectors take great pride in the items they have and want to be sure they are stored in a way that ensures the integrity and safety of that particular item. If you happen to be someone that has an extensive collection of wine, then clearly the integrity of the items is even more important so that you can drink it and enjoy it without worrying that it’s been ruined thanks to how it was stored.


Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Expert Tips on Brewing the Perfect Cup of Coffee at Home

There are reasons why most people go to coffee shops, with big coffee machines and trained baristas, for a tasty cup of coffee. The flavour of your cup of coffee depends a lot on how the coffee is processed and brewed. This is also the reason why many still go to coffee shops, despite having an  espresso machine at home. 

Keep in mind that there is no such thing as the perfect cup of coffee. Each cup varies depending on how it is brewed. That said, you can get very close to making a superb cup of coffee at home with some simple tricks and secrets from the coffee experts.


Sunday, 11 September 2016

5 Non-Sandwich Lunch Ideas

Summer is over and the kids are back to school. For most, mum's can breathe a sigh of relief. A summer filled with activities can take it's toll, so school can offer a welcomed break. But wait, you've still got to make the dreaded pack lunches, the ones your kid always moans at because it's the same old same old and it isn't as cool and Jim-bobs.

Thankfully, I haven't got that headache just yet, but I know many of you will relate. So here is a collection of the best kid lunches that are easy to make and some can be even prepared for the week ahead.


Tuesday, 29 March 2016

My Fussy Eater

Fussy Eater more vegtables

As much as I don't want to admit it, as much as I have tried my hardest to stop this from happening.  I am, however,  going to have to admit defeat. I have a fussy eater

Darcie had always been a good eater. She loved her food from an early age and would pretty much devour anything that was put in front of her. I often felt sorry for other mum's when I heard of their battles to get their young children to eat their food, some of which resulted in cooking them separate meals to pander to their wants. But my Darcie would always eat what we ate and even now, cooking her a separate meal just seems so ridiculous to me. 


Sunday, 28 February 2016

12 quick & easy meals

quick meals that take less than 30 mins

As a working family of four, tea times can be a rushed affair. I happen to really enjoy cooking but often find myself frantically wondering what on earth I can put together in under 30 mins, though under 20 mins is preferable. 

I have put together 12 recipes that I think you're going to love, especially if you find yourself running out of time at the end of the day.


Saturday, 23 May 2015

Weekly Shop in just 25 mins | Aldi

The weekly shop is always something I dread. I take far too long, I'm never organised, I always forget something and above all I usually spend far too much. Occasionally when I have a little time on my hands, I will sit down and plan out our weekly shop. This always leads to a better experience but at as a full time working mum, pregnant and blogger my time is very limited!

Aldi are celebrating their 25th anniversary and they set me a challenge to do my weekly shop in 25 mins. When discussing this with others they have said 'oh, that's easy", but normally I spend between 45 mins to an hour doing mine! I always spend too long looking at offers and mentally trying to plan meals as I shop. If I'm honest as well, I never normally do my full weekly shop in Aldi, I just pop in to get my midweek bits and bibs, so I was actually quite excited to see what I could get (in 25 mins) for a full weekly shop.

I had great intentions of planning out my meals, but alas, life just simply got in the way and it ended up being a mad dash one evening after work when I had a window in my schedule (nothing new there!). Thoughts? I was utterly impressed. Not only did I manage to do my shop in 25 mins, the prices were so fantastic along with the vartiey and quality, I ended up doing a two week shop for the price of my normal weekly shop (£80)!

As I mentioned, I didn't go in with a meal plan, but I have managed to create some fantastic meals. So far this week we have had;
  • Stone baked pizza with salad, sundried tomatoes, olives and balsamic glaze.
  • Jacket potato with coleslaw, cheese and salad.
  • Chilli with home made potato wedges.
  • Lamb Kebabs, cous cous, corn on the cob and salad.
  • Lasagne with salad and garlic flat bread.
My fridge and freezer are still packed with plenty of meal options to keep us going next week. I also want to mention that they have some great products for pack lunches as well. I always make myself and Darcie (when she is at her childminders) a pack lunch, but I always struggle to find a variety of snacks that do not cost the earth. Some of our favourite finds includes their dried fruit and snack bars.
 Do you shop at Aldi? I would love to know your favourite buys. Also, I think from Thursday (28th May) there is a Baby Event which I am looking forward to picking up a few bits for baby no. 2!
Mummy B xoxox
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