Friday, 29 May 2015

Lola Pug Book | Giveaway

Good evening guys, is your little one book mad like our little girl? If the answer is yes then stick around as you may just be able to get your hands on one beautiful illustrated children's  book in my latest giveaway. 

I was kindly sent a really cute illustrated book all about a rather adorable little Pug called Lola. Lola Pug is a story is written by Lola's real-life owner Carina Lagnado and illustrated by Emily Colenso. It follows how a pet mad family that live on a farm and focuses on Isabel, who wants her very own puppy. But what kind of puppy? Isabel is introduced to a variety of dogs, until she chooses Lola, the delightful pug. 

This story is a perfect one for  book mad children, especially those who are dog mad too! From a parental point of view it also touches upon the topic of bullying. Lola Pug, while loved by his new family, is mocked by the other animals on the farm. But the pug eventually wins everyone over just by being himself. Which is always such a great message for our little ones. 

Darcie, who has her own dog Lady, will thoroughly enjoy the book (just as much as I have) when we give it to her on Tuesday (her 3rd birthday!) and it will be our bedtime story that evening. 

Now to the exciting part. The lovely people behind this wonderful book have given you guys the opportunity to win one of three copies for your own little ones to treasure. If you would like a chance to get your hands one of three a copies, be sure to enter below. Competition closes on Sunday 7th June 2015.

Mummy B xoxox


Saturday, 13 September 2014

Darcie's Reads // The Little Bear Book

The Little Bear Book Review

The Little Bear Book by Anthony Browne is next on our Darcie's Reads feature. This book has been a favourite for a while as its such an enchanting story. The main reason we got this for Darcie was the stunning illustrations. 

Anthony Browns Little Bear Book

As you can see, the book has gorgeously large drawings that are very brightly coloured. The story itself is short, but really its the illustrations that tell the story. 

The little bear is a dab hand at drawing, when he stumbles across several animals he ends up drawing just what they need. It's very much a story where art comes to life on each and every page. The ending is really clever too!

great books for toddlers

This fun story is such a joy to read, its brilliant for those tots with active imaginations too.

I hope you're enjoying this weekly feature. Me and Darcie would love to know your favourite books and authors, please feel free to leave your recommendations below.

Mummy B xoxox

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Darcie's Reads // We're Going on a Bear Hunt

We're going on a bear hunt review

This week I decided to ask Darcie what book we should share, I already knew the answer. She immediately went to her room and picked out the classic We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen & Helen Oxenbury. Every night this week she has been asking for this during bedtime - its one we like to read together.

toddler books

In fact, we have read it so many times I think we both know it off by heart!

Because of the repetitive nature of the story, I think its a story all toddlers will love. I'm even thinking of doing a little activity where we act out the story when she is a tiny bit older (she may even enjoy it now!). 

going on a bear hunt

Having just checked out some other review's of this book, a lot of parents claim that even their children who are very reluctant to read enjoy this story - so definitely give this story a whirl if you have children who perhaps struggle to "get into" books.

good books for toddlers

We're going on a Bear Hunt is a book that should be on every toddlers book shelf, you can get your copy HERE

If you want to see the other books covered in this series click HERE.

Mummy B xoxox


Saturday, 30 August 2014

Darcie's Reads // North

This week in the 'Darcie's Reads' series we have North, The Greatest Animal Journey On Earth by Nick Dawson. This book is beautiful and informative. It includes depictions of the five thousand mile journey to the Arctic Circle of various animals. The book has been designed to be repeatedly poured over, many of the double page spreads are wordless allowing younger children to visually read them unaccompanied.

Whilst the illustrations are undeniably stunning, the book boasts a large amount of scientific information, including a glossary and index in the back! 

The reason I have included this in the Darcie's Reads series is because, yes, she loves the book but I think its a brilliant book if you have multiple children. The illustrations and back ground story keeps the younger ones captivated, whilst the technical terms and scientific facts keep the older ones engaged.

Can't wait for the day Darcie can share this with her brother or sister.

If you have a book you think we may enjoy, please leave your recommendations in the comments. We would love to know.

Mummy B xoxox

P.S If you would like to read last weeks edition of Darcie's Reads, click HERE.


Saturday, 23 August 2014

Darcie's Reads // Dragon Loves Penguin

Hi guys! I'm here today with a new feature which will be running every saturday until Christmas - Darcie's Reads. 

Darcie is a big lover of books, and to be honest I love it! From a very early age it was clear to see she was going to be a bookworm, and so now, at two, she has a pretty impressive book collection. I thought it may be quite nice to share with you some of her favourites. There is something about children's books that I just can not resist, the lovely stories and illustrations are just so magical. The first book that I'm going to share with you, is a very naughty purchase I made today. Yes Jamie I can picture you rolling your eyes... But it is an absolute beauty and the story so heart warming.

Dragon Loves Penguin, by Debi Gliori (RRP £6.99) is a tale of a dragon in need of an egg and an abandoned egg in need of a mummy. All would seem perfect but when the egg hatches the baby isn't like the other dragons, it is in fact a baby penguin! But his mummy loves him, no matter what, even when the other babies aren't so sure. Little do they know that being different can actually be good, and the penguin saves the day!

This story brings a tear to the eye, it mentions how you don't need to have all the latest toys and how all you need is a mother's love. So very true. The perfect read for bedtime, snuggling up with you little one.

This book has beautiful illustrations, perfect for Darcie to make her own story to (she loves to do this "Once upon a time...").

I would make this a must for your little ones book list, would be a perfect Christmas present too (yes, I really just said that in August!).

You can find this book in most good book stores like we did, alternatively you can buy on Amazon, HERE.

Mummy B xoxox

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