Sunday, 3 June 2018


And so she is six. My beautiful baby girl turned six this weekend and to say I haven't been emotional would be a lie. I don't know if it's because this year has been a hard one or because six just seems really old, but there have been a few moments where little tears have been shed.


Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Rainbow, Unicorns and Love Heart Themed Birthday Party

This year my girl turns 6 and after much persuading, we've agreed on a birthday party. In all honesty, the thought of being in charge of a children's birthday party terrifies me but I managed to organise my wedding so hopefully, this will be a breeze. Darcie is a lover of all things girly. She loves pink, rainbows and unicorns so we think that will pretty much be the theme. I have just under two months to plan so it's all systems go and I'm frantically pinning away on Pinterest all my ideas for a hearts, rainbows and unicorn themed birthday party! And as with everything I do, I thought I would share with you my ideas and eventually the big day. Also, keep reading to the end as there may be a nice little treat of some classic Swizzels sweets you could potentially win!


Thursday, 2 February 2017

4 Year old Darcie vs 4 Year old Me

Me and my daughter, we can be at loggerheads at times. Her sassiness can be borderline rudeness and sometimes I wonder whether or not I'm creating a little diva. Then my mum reminds me that no, she is actually just a mini me.

Really, a mini me?!

So I thought I would compare my 4-year-old self with Darcie.


Thursday, 15 December 2016

First Boyfriend at Age 4

Today my daughter came home and announced she had a boyfriend. She declared he was her best friend and when they grew up they would marry. Of course, I know this is all innocent, things that we all experience through childhood but I couldn't help but notice my hubby's face.

He was heartbroken.

Monday, 12 September 2016

Darcie's First Day of School

So today my big girl headed off to school and I could not be any prouder of her. We arrived at her school nice and early, so she ended up being first in her line. Once her teacher came onto the playground, her face lit up and she started chatting away to her. Then the whistle blew, I gave her kiss and asked if she wanted us to come in with her, her reply "no mummy" and off she went. Me and my husband were left on the playground whilst the other children (and parents) trotted in. Just like that, she had started school.


Monday, 6 June 2016

Darcie's Turned Four

Four year's ago I was preparing myself for the most anticipated moment of my life, the birth of my beautiful and bright little girl. It doesn't seem possible that I now have a four-year-old and she will soon be embarking on school. This four year has made me see just how truly blessed me and my husband are, she's has been the most incredible gift who continues to teach and remind us of all the wonders that life brings.

At four years old, she has such a passion for the world around her. She constantly wants to learn and question everything. Whilst this drives me slightly bonkers at times, I must hear "Why?" about three million times a day, I know this is that passion for learning creeping through. She is so wise for a four-year-old too, telling me it's ok to make mistakes. This kid.


Friday, 29 April 2016

Time Stops For No One

Time stops for no one, it's a phrase I often hear but have always taken for granted, but time really does stops for no one. This is something that has struck me recently, my babies have seemingly grown so much so, that I feel like this time is slipping through my fingers. As much as I try to cling on, time is moving forward and isn't waiting for me.

I have said before just how proud I am of them both, and I am. Every day they both amaze me and make my heart burst with pride, but in that very same instant my heart begins to ache. These baby days are numbered. Knowing that Henry is our last baby makes every milestone make the tick tock of the clock tick even louder. 

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Choosing the right school for Darcie

choosing the right school for your four year old

Next month will see a whole lot of nervous parents finding out where their little ones will be attending school in September. I will be one of them. Back in November, the hubby and I along with our daughter began the task of finding the perfect school for our needs. Being a teacher myself I thought this would make the task easier, but actually, I think it became a lot harder! I was clearly over analysing everything.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

"I'm Still Little"

There are times when I look at Darcie and I can't believe just how grown up she is. I remember the moment Jamie walked through the recovery room doors with her in his arms and I got to lay my eyes on her for the very first time (I had a c-section and was put to sleep). She was so tiny, delicate and oh so precious.

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Darcie the Ballerina

For months and months and months Darcie has expressed a big interest in Dancing, in particular ballet. So last month we decided that she was now ready to give it a go and signed her up to a ballet and tap class. For anyone that know's me personally will know that this excited me greatly. Why? Well through my childhood and teen years I was slightly obsessed with dancing, Ballet, Tap, Modern, Jazz, Street, Disco you name it I did it! My poor parents gave up so much of their time for me to be able to attend and develop, they paid for endless lessons, exams, shows (some which included performing at Disney Land  and the Royal Albert Hall) and now its my turn to become a "dancer mum" like my mum before me.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Saying Goodbye To My Toddler

It may sound strange but over the last few weeks I have had to come to terms with saying goodbye to my toddler. No she isn't going anywhere and nor am I, but there has been quite a few moments where I have thought, this is it, my toddler has gone.

They say the toddler stage is between 1 -3 years old and Darcie being a full on three year old she has definitely come to the end of that stage, in fact she came to the end of that stage a long time ago but I just couldn't admit it. She is now my little girl.

The toddler stage is one where a lot of developmental milestones takes place from turning pages of a book through to speaking in sentences, there are so many special moments sometimes it's hard to comprehend just how much they take in and learn at this stage in their lives. I know it baffles me.

It's hard to think that I have a little girl who doesn't fit the baby/toddler category anymore - she is a small child now and I just don't know where that time went. When becoming a parent time really does just fly by, the newborn stage may seem to drag, with those sleepless nights but in reality those precious first few months are over in a flash.

With that in mind it has made me realise how much I will treasure those moments with my little boy when he arrives, especially as it is highly likely he will be my last. Looking back to those first few weeks with Darcie though they were special they are a bit of a blur, a happy blur, reminding me to make sure I capture all those first moments.

Darcie is now the type of girl who enjoys playing mummy & daddy's, tag, cowgirls, puzzles and has left behind her toddler ways. She has her own mind, know's her likes and dislikes and often (tries) to put me in my place. We can have full on chats about the future and hopes and dreams and often share giggles with our own private jokes.

Though this is new territory, its one that is so heartwarming, a stage in her life that will be here until she reaches her early school years. Though saying goodbye to a little toddler has been a hard one to accept, I am very much enjoying my little pre-schooler.

Mummy B xoxox

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

A week of ups and downs

These past 7 days have been quite tough, you may have noticed my absence on the blog front and that most certainly hasn't been on purpose. Last week we discovered that Darcie had a very bad urine infection, one that almost got her admitted to hospital as the doctor was so concerned! But luckily, despite it being a bad infection, it actually had little effect on her (only when she went to the loo!) and the doctor was happy for her to continue her treatment at home. She will have to have a visit to hospital in the coming weeks to have an ultra sound - that will be interesting trying to explain to her they are not looking for a baby! The reason for the ultra sound is to investigate whether there is anything physically wrong. I'm obviously hoping that isn't the case. On top of this I have been experiencing dizzy spells and headaches again, luckily my mum has been on holiday this week so has really helped out looking after Darcie and me. So thank you mum!

Despite the hardness of this week there has been some incredibly lovely moments. On Saturday I went to a big family BBQ with my entire family, it was so nice as we hadn't all got together in such a long time (even at my wedding my cousin didn't make it due to her about to pop with her beautiful twin boys). What was so special was seeing Darcie play with all my cousins children - the next generation. It brought so many memories back from my own childhood, I couldn't help but feel very content and incredibly lucky. 

Yesterday I also got to see baby at my 32 week growth scan. Everything went beautifully and baby is such a good size already, estimated at 4lb 12oz at 32 weeks exactly! And to top my week off completely we put baby's room together and I feel so happy that its finally done. I keep going in there and just sitting in my nursing chair dreaming of September...

Finally today was my last day at work, I have the wonderful six weeks of summer holidays off then officially start maternity leave in September - timed that right hey?!?! 

So now it's time to relax and enjoy the final few weeks as a family of three, make sure you pop back soon for a nursery room tour and some more baby/pregnancy updates!

Mummy B xoxox

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Darcie's One Liners #1

Toddlers come out with the most funniest of things, they really are little comedians in their own right. With that in mind I thought I would start making a note of some of them, for this was the reason I started this blog in the first place. So without further a do, here are a few one liners that Darcie has come out with over the last few months.

"Oh mum, I just can't possibly do that. I have a baby in my tummy so I probably shouldn't." - This occurred the other morning when I wanted her to get her shoes on. I wonder where she got this phrase from?!

"But I just want to save the world." - This afternoon whilst launching herself off the sofa.

"MUM, daddy left the bloody bag in the car." When we couldn't find her nursery bag last week. Yes slightly naughty but you can't help but giggle.

"Oh granny I have an idea. I sit here and you go get us Ice Creams. That sounds like a good plan." - Quite a few months ago whilst in Thetford Forrest, this still tickles us today. It was more how she said it that was the funny part.

"What you sayin?" - All I can hear is Joey Essex...

"Mum I hope you're behaving" -When I was busy in the kitchen one evening.

"I love my baby *babies name which I wont reveal*" - This is actually not really a one liner as such, but Darcie says this all the time and just melts my heart. She is so ready for his arrival.

I'm hoping to make this more of a regular post as I just want to make sure I document all these (slightly silly) things. As she is getting bigger, the milestones seem to be getting further and further apart. But, to me, these ordinary memories are equally important as those big milestones. 

What funny little things have your little ones come out with recently?

Mummy B xoxox

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Dear Darcie / You're Three

You are three years old. How can that be? I swear it was only a little while ago I was holding you in my arms for the very first time but that was three years ago! My wonderful, intelligent and beautiful Darcie you've grown into such a special little person and I could not be prouder of the person you're becoming. Everyday with you is a gift, you bring so much joy to those around you. How did we get so lucky?

Over the past couple of months you have done an awful lot of growing, you're soon to become a big sister and you have taken this role on very seriously! You have a natural mothering instinct (more so than me!) and I know that you will make us even prouder in your new role. Thanks for looking after me too, you're such a star!

Being the social butterfly that you are you have surrounded yourself with lots of people you call friends - you make us very proud in the way you interact and care for your friends but this again shows your sensitive and caring side. This time next year you will be almost ready to embark on a new adventure, school, and I'm hoping you will embrace the change (like you always do) and enjoy all the new experiences to come. Plus you will get to see what kind of work mummy does!

But for now my little one, just enjoy being three. Continue to grow, learn, love and laugh throughout the next year (and all the years to come), but please... make this year go a little slower? Time is passing us by so quickly, before I know it you will be a teen!!

Love you Darcie, enjoy your special day.

Lots of love Mummy xoxoxox


Tuesday, 7 April 2015

A happy girl makes a happy mummy {The Ordinary Moments - 2015}

I don't know if its the beautiful weather, my gorgeous smiley girl or the prospect of become a mummy of two, but at this present moment in time I am so incredibly happy. 

Every morning I wake up and I feel so positive about life and where we as a family are heading. There are of course things that worry me daily - like money, but that still doesn't stop me from thinking how incredibly lucky we are. This year has seen quite a lot of change and exciting new chapter's in our lives.

Monday, 5 January 2015

Gruffalo in the Woods!

Tomorrow I go back to work, after having two glorious weeks off. The 'January Blues' may well sink in but I'm staying up beat and positive because we have lots of lovely things to look forward too. As much as I love the holidays, I am very much looking forward to getting ourselves back into a routine. Whilst on holiday I get way too comfy and put all my usual jobs get put to one side, its safe to say I get into the full "holiday" mode and become a lazy bum!


Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Best of 2014

2014 has well and truly been good to us. It's the year we finally got to say "I do" and have our first holiday as a family of three. We both have had exciting opportunities with our work lives and my blog has grown this year too (thanks to you guys). 


Monday, 29 December 2014

The Little Blogger

For this Christmas Santa (aka Mummy & Daddy), decided to bring Darcie her own blogger tools so she can follow in her mummy's footsteps! Darcie is always trying to imitate me whilst I take photos and tap away on the laptop, so thought it would be nice for her to have her own so we can "work" together.


Saturday, 29 November 2014

The Girl In The Red Coat

Christmas is coming

Me and my girl spent the entire day together, after a week of being ill, it was some much needed us time. In our town the Christmas Lights were being switched on, so we decided to spend the day in town, drinking coffee (well I did anyway) eating cake, playing in the park and jumping in leaves. We had such a lovely day and managed to capture some lovely moments - she really does make me smile so very much. 

This final image looks like something off a Christmas card, in actual fact I think its my favourite picture of her. 

Smiling from ear to ear. I do love my girl.

Mummy B xoxox


Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Potty Training

Potty training a two year old - toddler lead

Well, we have entered the realm of potty training, actually we have skipped the potty and gone straight to the toilet! Several months ago we made a start by introducing her to the toilet and potty, every morning and night we would pop her on just so she could get used to the idea. We didn't push her, just let her get a feel for it. About a month ago, Darcie started to ask to go to the toilet a lot more and last week she was asking every time she needed to go. Yesterday was a big step, when picking Darcie up from nursery they told me just how well she was doing and they decided to put her in knickers. She had no accidents! We are now continuing wearing knickers during the day and nappies at night. It such a big step in the right direction and I just can't believe how well she is doing.

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