Saturday, 11 April 2020

NHS Colouring in Pages

How are we all finding the current situation? I feel like we have got into our new normal and are bumbling along quite nicely. I won’t lie, it’s been really tough and I have noticed a huge spike in traffic on my post about being a “shouty mum” - I know tensions are high and this is super stressful, I think we have all found ourselves being that mum at one time or another. Just remember, we are all in this together.


Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Knitting for Little Ones

A homemade gift is the perfect way to welcome a new baby, making little cardigans or blanket, whilst therapeutic to make, are also incredibly wonderful keepsakes. Both my children were given homemade items after their birth. My daughter received a beautiful play mat, which is now in her reading corner in her room and my son was made a beautiful cushion with his name embroidered on. Both we will always keep.

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