Saturday, 11 February 2017

Babywearing Lingo | An Introduction

Babywearing, yes it's a thing. It's something that is becoming a popular trend but in reality, it is something that has always been done. Babywearing is where you use a carrier, sling or wrap to carry your child hands-free - allowing you to carry on with your day whilst comforting your child. Amazing right?


Monday, 23 January 2017

Music for Hygge

Having more me time was high on my "to do" list for 2017. I'm trying to dedicate time to the other things I love in life that I kind of been putting on the back burner. One of those things is music. Music is a massive stress buster for me, so I don't know why I don't blast some tunes more often. In the evenings, I've been opting to turn the telly off and put some music on instead.

Music, is of course, a personal choice./ I love a whole range of genre and this is normally dependent upon my mood or setting. As I'm completely loving Hygge I have even gone and created my own playlist of songs that help me to get that Hygge feeling.


Friday, 20 January 2017

The Happy List #2

Another week has zoomed by, one crazy, hectic, kind of glad it's over but don't want to moan about it, week. Let's just say we've had some quite significant challenges to contend with, not just the head spin of Donald Trump becoming president, but we've reached Friday. That's certainly something to be happy about.

With some challenges, I still think it's incredibly important to reflect on all the positive and good that has happened this week;


Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Learning to let go of Negativity

Sometimes in life, we can feel trapped. A relationship that's going nowhere, a career that brings you no joy, self-doubt - we've all been there, me included and it's bloody hard. Life has a tendency to knock us down, throw us off course, all of which can cause you to question everything. It's a horrid feeling.

Stress, worry and negativity can leave you feeling defeated - but how about trying to embrace the fear? Help it drive you to succeed or overcome obstacles? Or accept something and just let it go?

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Hygge - it's not just candles and blankets

As you will know if you've been following me lately on here and on social media, I have completely embraced Hygge. I have even created my own Instagram community #MomentsOfHygge. But I have seen a lot of people roll their eyes at me (well, an online eye roll if there is such a thing), just another hipster who's jumped on the latest trend train. Well, actually no.


Sunday, 8 January 2017

My Happy List #1

Choosing to focus on happiness and positivity this year, I have decided to try and write round ups of our week. Reflecting on all the wonderful and positive things that may have happened. Most of them are pretty ordinary, but that's what's lovely about choosing to have a positive outlook - they make even the little things seem that much more wonderful.


Friday, 6 January 2017

Join my Instagram Community #MomentsOfHygge

So a new year, a new linky and now a new Instagram community?! Yeah, I've lost the plot! Instagram is definitely my favourite social media platform, so I really wanted to explore creating my own hashtag for other like-minded people.

Having fallen in love with Hygge and my quest for a more positive and happier outlook on life, I decided that this would be my starting point for this new community. Hygge is something that a lot of us already embody in our day to day life - without even realising it.


Tuesday, 3 January 2017

5 Ways to Bring Hygge into Your Home in 2017

You may have seen the word Hygge floating around, you may already be familiar with the term, you may already embrace its loveliness or you may be wondering if I'm speaking a foreign language. Well, actually, the latter is somewhat true.

Monday, 5 December 2016

Are you happy in the work place?

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about my big dream of one day being my own boss. I currently work in a high school doing a job I love. So why would I want to change this? In all honesty, I would love to be able to work from home full time, to be able to have my children at home or be able to attend that special assembly. It’s something that I feel is incredibly important as a parent and something that I can’t currently do in my current job. Having said that, I’m incredibly lucky that I do have fantastic employers who are understanding and sympathetic when it comes to my mum duties too. However, not everyone is so lucky.
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