Tuesday 23 June 2020

5 Ways to Add Value to Your Home


If you plan to put your home on the market at some point in the future, you want to be sure you will get a high return on your investment. Your home is likely your most valuable asset, so you want to be able to capitalise on your investment. The more money you can get for it, the higher your chances of being able to afford your dream home.

Before you sell it, it is wise to do whatever you can to maximise the value of your home. This can range from keeping it clean and well-maintained to more extensive renovations that completely transform your home. Whatever your budget, there are steps you can take to add value to your property. Here are five ways you can do so.

Keep it well-maintained

Nothing drops a home’s value quite like dirt and disrepair. Don’t let your home fall into a bad state. It seems obvious, but you should always take care to keep your house clean and tidy and get any problems fixed before they get too serious.


A little bit of decor can turn a drab, uninspiring home into a highly-appealing property that buyers will jump at the chance to get their hands on. A bit of painting, a new colour-scheme, and changing out fixtures such as lights, mirrors and door handles will be inexpensive but can completely revitalise your home’s interior.

Increase curb appeal

What a house looks like from the outside is one of the key factors in people’s buying decisions. No matter how beautiful it looks on the inside, an overgrown lawn and cracked peeling paint will make it look rundown and unattractive. Increasing your home’s curb appeal doesn’t even take much time or money, but will add a huge amount of value. By simply giving your home a new coat of paint, weeding the driveway and clearing out any dead leaves and branches, you can make an enormous difference. You can take this a step further by adding new garden furniture, outdoor lighting or plants.

Renovate kitchens and bathrooms

Kitchens and bathrooms are two of the most important aspects buyers consider when looking at properties, and investing in a renovation can pay off when it comes to selling your property. To save costs, you can keep your existing layout so the electrical and plumbing systems won’t change, but updating surfaces, fixtures and tiling with a cleaner, more modern style will pay dividends.

Convert your loft

Changing a two-bedroom house into a three-bedroom house will instantly add an enormous amount of value to your home. And you don’t need your house to magically grow in size either. The attic is usually an underused part of the house, but by converting it into a bedroom, or even a new living area, you can increase the amount of living space in your home and make it more appealing to any buyer. You will, of course, need to check that the structure of your house can support conversion and that it conforms to building regulations. To get you started, here are some ideas for a loft conversion.

K Elizabeth xoxox

*Collaborative Post

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