Wednesday 8 April 2020

Living Arrows April

I haven’t written a ‘Living Arrows” post for a very long time but given the nature of the current climate, taking stock and reflecting is something we’re all probably doing a lot of right now. The Living Arrows link up is the perfect way to share your reflections, special pictures and generally feel good.

If you haven’t joined in with Living Arrows before it’s is about celebrating childhood. The project originally took it’s name from a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” and every Monday we share a moment from our week and invite others to do the same as part of this linky.

This week I wanted to share a few photos from our bike ride this week. I say bike ride, the kids rode their bikes and we walked as we currently don’t have bikes!! I chose this because getting outside for a walk or, in their case, a bike ride is my favourite part of my day. Being able to still get outside to do some form of exercise from our home is totally what is keeping me going through this “lockdown”. Sometimes I will just get up before everyone else and me and the dog will go for a walk around our local golf course - it’s so peaceful. 

Our bike ride is also from our local golf course, you’re allowed to walk their as it’s apart of a local common - it makes for the perfect bike track and of course, during all of this, no is playing golf. Darcie, who is seven, has always been really nervous on a bike. Last year she had cracked it but wasn’t overly confident now she (along with her 4 year old brother - who has no fear!) are zooming around everywhere and it really warms your cockles seeing them race along and giggling to each other. 

I would love to hear how everyone is keeping busy (and sane!) during this time. What’s you special moment from this week?

Go and check out  Donna from What the Redhead Said to see others who have linked up & if you’re a blogger yourself - why not link up too?

Living Arrows

K Elizabeth xoxox

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