Tuesday 10 March 2020

Step into the world of luxury vinyl flooring

Everyone wants to make a lasting impression. But meetingthat objective with luxurious flooring is not an option thatmany would consider. As your hallway is the first area of the house your guests will see, you want it to fit in with the rest if your interior scheme. However, we all know the hallway can be an active area of the home. It won’t be long before it getsdirty and cluttered. So, if you require a combination of style and durability, here are some options for you to consider. 

Shoe marks

The reason we have a hallway is to have a space for handlingmuddy boots, wet umbrellas and general outside dirt. The primary purpose of your hallway is for it to protect the rest of your house from damage. But could it be doing more? Luxury vinyl flooring is moisture and scratch resistant, just a mop or wipe will have it looking brand new in no time.

Bring on the guests

As mentioned, hallways undergo a lot of action while guests enter and leave the house. We understand that you don’t want to spend your spare time cleaning such a small area, only to have it return to ruins the minute someone sets foot.Therefore, investing in vinyl flooring will allow you to welcome mess without lasting damage. With a simple wipe,dirt will be gone, leaving no stains or traces.

Make your house a home

Your hallway doesn’t have to be subjected to an outdated or dull design just because it gets a lot of use. Incorporate your hallway with the rest of your interior design and choose a style that helps to accentuate or introduce guests to the feel of the rest of your home. There are many brands of vinyl flooring out there that now offer a wide variety of designs, textures and tones.

Start looking

So, now you’re aware of the benefits of luxury vinyl flooring, you can begin looking. But where to start? Amtico have a fantastic selection of vinyl flooring which is homily and functional. Start with the Spacia stone, Signature Woods and Parquet ranges to get some ideas. If you have a specific design in mind, Luvanto can help you achieve a range of combinations from their Michelangelo, Da Vinci and Opus range. Allow yourself to dream with luxury vinyl flooring.

K Elizabeth xoxox

*Collaborative Post


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