Monday 30 March 2020

How to make your small business more environmentally friendly

Global warming is on everyone’s mind at the moment, and it is a big concern for businesses big and small. For small business owners, there are some simple steps that will make you more eco-friendly. In turn, this will help to keep your employees and customers happy. Some businesses give environmental responsibility to one member of staff and let them take the lead, taking the pressure away from you. If you need to find new staff and are want individuals with experience of working to protect the environment, then you should consider using a staffing agency, as they can tailor employee searches to your needs. 

Preserve water

Saving the environment does not always have to cost you money, sometimes it can save you money! Speak to a plumber who might be able to advise you on how to cut down on water usage. There are also eco-friendly water systems that stop any unnecessary waste.

Carpool, public transport or cycle

Here is another one who could save you money. Consider how you travel to work and how you can make it more eco-friendly. You could have incentives for workers who travel in an environmentally friendly way. You could also consider allowing people to work from home a couple of times a week.

Plant trees and shrubs

The world can always use more trees, and if you have land, then it will also make it a nicer place to work. It looks nice and improves air quality. You could use a team-building day to have everyone work on your garden.


Having a good recycle system is the perfect way to visually show that your company cares about the environment. Have clearly labeled bins for paper, plastic, and glass. You should also consider having a compost bin. Although this might take some time to set up, it will allow everyone to participate in making your business eco-friendly, which will foster a positive work environment.

Alternate energy

Using renewable energy will come with some upfront cost, but in the long run, it will save you money and give you a reputation as a business that really cares. Solar, wind, and water are all options.

Energy-efficient appliances

Where possible, aim to swap any appliances you use with energy-efficient ones. Common swaps are printers and kitchen goods like fridges and washing machines. If possible, you should try and think about this before you purchase them in the first place, as upgrading later, may cost you a little bit more.

Source eco-friendly products

If it is viable, you should look to source eco-friendly products wherever possible, although the cost of sourcing these products may be higher in the short term. The positive benefits for your company, reputation, and brand will usually outweigh those initial costs. You may also be able to increase the cost you sell your items for if they are environmentally friendly and ethically sourced.

If you are reading this article, you are probably thinking about taking steps to make your business eco-friendlier. Well done! Hopefully, with the tips above, you have more knowledge about how to do so. You should congratulate yourself. If we all take some small steps like the ones above, the world will be a better place.

K Elizabeth xoxox

*Collaborative Post

How to make your business more eco-friendly


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