Wednesday 19 February 2020

The importance of person-centered care in nursing homes

Person-centered care sees service users as equal partners when making decisions about the care that they receive. While this is not always possible, it should be adhered to as much as possible. When someone goes into a nursing home, they can feel that their independence and choice is being taken away, this can to some degree be negated by them being involved in all the decisions made about their care. There is no difference between for profit and nonprofit nursing homes when it comes to their capability to offer person-centered care.

In the United States, person-centered care is not the norm. However, in many other parts of the world such as the United Kingdom, it is expected that all care providers follow this model. And it is becoming more available here in the US. Person-centered care is the best way to ensure dignity, choice, and respect for elderly residents.

Person-centered care offers a holistic view of individuals' needs. It should take into account their physical and mental capacities but also their values and lifestyle preferences. There are many benefits to this, including:


When residents in nursing homes are given the opportunity to make decisions about their own care, they are able to take responsibility for themselves and their wellbeing. This can make them feel more independent and more eager to do things that they know are good for them, such as exercising or joining activities.


Person-centered care should be flexible to meet the need of each individual. Instead of decisions being imposed on them, they should be able to make their own decisions. This can include when they want to get out of bed, what they want to eat etc.


Individualized care allows for more independence. The more opportunity someone is given to do things for themselves, the longer they will be able to do those things. This is important for both their emotional and physical wellbeing.

Better relationships

Person-centered care also encourages good relationships between staff, residents and family members. When the person who is being cared for feels listened to they will feel that they are being treated with respect. This will keep them feeling happier and more connected to those around them.

Sense of accomplishment

When someone revives individualized care they can set personal goals for themselves, such as being able to go to the toilet or dress unassisted. This will leave them with a sense of accomplishment.


When choosing a nursing home it is a good idea to ask about their approach to person-centered care. While it is not yet the norm in the US it is becoming more common. If you are choosing a nursing home on behalf of a loved one you should also involve them in the decision making process.

Keeping them involved will uphold their dignity and make the transition easier. Sometimes you may be required to make decisions on their behalf, but where possible you should always try and involve them.

K Elizabeth xoxox

*Guest Post

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