Sunday 2 February 2020

How to Meal Prep for 2020

Meal prepping is something I swear by. It helps me save money, feel organised and eat more healthily   - when I meal prep I feel like I’m already winning the week and if you haven't started doing this, do it now!


Before I sit down and decide what to cook, I shop my cupboards. I mentally take note of what I already have in and potential meals, this gives me a good starting point. Once I have done this I can then start to build up meals I would like us to have over the week. I will often get inspiration from Pinterest, my growing collection of recipe books or make my own combinations, I will jot down all the ingredients needed and then re-check my cupboards to cross off any ingredients I do not need to purchase.

I will then draw up a shopping list, I'm currently using my diary  for this which has an incredibly handy shopping list which can actually be torn out easily. You can pick up this diary here. I can the plan when we’re going to eat what and when.

Food Shop

I swear by online food shopping. It really does help if you’re an impulse buyer and drawn into offers (guilty) as it takes this element away. I tend to type in the ingredients/products I need - again so I can stick to my meal plan. Sometimes I will try and shop local too, I’m a fan of going to the market for fruit and beg and more recently an eco-friendly zero waste store opened in our town and I’m going to start taking jars to re-fill pulses, pasta and cereal. Ultimately, you should do what works for you, your family and your budget.


If you have chosen meals that you can batch cook, then do just that. Choose an evening, preferably the day you have purchased your food, and get it done. Make it a family effort, stick music on and enjoy each other’s company. It really is a lifesaver if you have a busy lifestyle or if you or your partner work shifts (like us) - it takes away the stress of “what are we having tonight” or “I just don’t have time to cook from scratch” - because you’ve already done all the hard work.
Alternatively, I plan my batch cooked meals around our week and because, for us, no week is the same (due to my husbands crazy shifts) I make sure that when I need to cook meals from scratch, they’re scheduled on evenings when time allows for this.

Tracking what you’re eating

Working this way is excellent if you’re also trying to watch what you eat or have to keep note of food intake. I’m using this Food Journal (which was very kindly gifted to me) to track what I’m eating, not necessarily because I want to loose weight but I want to ensure I am getting a healthy balanced diet and this allows me to do just that. With this particular food journal I can record my food and water intake, calorie consumption and daily exercise. I love that you can even set your goals and rewards to maintain your focus and reflect on your progress on the weekly summary pages.

 On the same day that I meal plan, I will also log my food for the week (in pencil) that way I can tweak the week if needed if I feel my week isn’t shaping out as healthily as I like.

I would love to hear your tips on meal planning and if you have any top hacks for a stress free food eating week.

K Elizabeth xoxox

*Food Journal & Diary both gifted from Box Clever Press. All thoughts & opinions are my own.


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