Thursday 19 December 2019

Seven ideas for creating a playroom

Do you have a spare room in your that isn’t getting much use? Whether it’s an extra bedroom you don’t need, a dining room that never gets used or loft conversions that you aren’t sure what to do with, you could use the extra space to create a fun playroom for your kids. If you’re not sure to do with a playroom, here are some fun decor ideas to give your kids a room they will love. Once it is done, why not use it as a space to practice your Baby Photography? It will be a great space that they will enjoy for years to come and is the perfect memento for you too!

Add a reading nook. If you want to encourage your children to read more, a cosy reading nook is a great addition to the playroom. Put in a bookcase, filled with children’s books and add some comfortable chairs  or even a hammock or hanging chair will make for a comfortable and relaxing spot for your child.

Paint in bright colours. A playroom is a great excuse to go a little wild with the decor. Who says your walls need to be plain and boring? Let the children choose a bright colour for the walls or even several bright colours if you’re feeling brave. If brightly coloured walls are a step too far for you, you can bring in some colour with other decor, like the furniture or curtains.

Install easy to clean flooring. Children can be very messy creatures, so make your own life much easier and make the playroom easy to clean. Put in some flooring that can be wiped clean, like laminate flooring. Foam flooring can be great fun for a room for children too. To keep things cosy, lay down rugs that can go in the washing machine.

Decorate with wall decals. If you want to add some fun decor elements, wall decals are a great option. Children’s interests change pretty quickly, so a stick on wall decal that can easily be peeled off without damaging the paint is a good pick so you can swap them out easily for something new.

Create a chalkboard wall. Paint one wall or part of a wall with chalkboard paint and give your children chalks. They can go wild drawing on that wall to get their creativity flowing. They can draw pictures and leave each other messages, or use it for word games.

Add plenty of storage. The playroom, as well as being fun, can be used to start teaching your children some responsibility. Make them be in charge of tidying the playroom at the end of the day. Put in plenty of storage to make tidying up easier. Add some storage bins or build some toy cubbies on the wall to offer plenty of places to clear the toys away. Bookcases, floating shelves and free standing shelves are all great options too. Add in some cabinets as storage for larger toys or things like board games.

Make a craft space. A wipe clean table is a great addition to the playroom as a space for crafts to encourage some creative projects. Add plenty of craft supplies into the room too, so your children can get involved in some art.

K Elizabeth xoxox

*Collaborative Post

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