Sunday 27 October 2019

How To Maximise Your Side Hustle As A Blogger

 If you’re reading this you probably already run a blog and have started to make money as a blogger, if you’re new to the blogging world I would suggest checking out this post first. Making money from blogging has become a lucrative business and makes an excellent option for a side hustle. For me, my blogging journey started way back in 2012 when I was pregnant with my daughter, I started it as a pregnancy journal and it grew from there. I had no intention of making money from it but it soon became a nice little money earner.

With blogging there are a number things you can do to maximise your potential earnings and there are a number of skills you’ve probably built that could bring other earning avenues. Investing in yourself can be equally important, such as going on courses like Impact Factory project management courses, bloggers have many skills that are very transferable to project managing and could be something fantastic to offer to brands who are looking to work with bloggers in new ways.

How can you diversify your blog income?

Advertisement Sidebar - Offering space on your blogs sidebar could be a good little earner. You can determine the price and length with your client directly.

Adsense - Google Adsense is a really passive way of making money and is dependent on the number of clicks you get on the advertisements. You can tailor the type of ads, decide where they’re placed so you have a lot of control in that sense. This month along I have made around £65 without any real effort as such - though obviously you need a good amount of traffic to your site which comes with patience and hard work!

Paid Collaborations - These can happen in a number of ways, not just via your blog. It could be a sponsored Instagram or Facebook post or a dedicated blog post - just don’t forget to label it as an ad/collaboration.

Blogger Outreach - This is where you lease with clients and bloggers to match up collaborations, I have done this in the past when on maternity leave and is a great way to increase income.

Virtual Assistant - This is very much like a traditional PA but it’s usually done remotely online. You could become a VA for another blogger and do some social media work for them or you could offer one off jobs like SEO tasks or blog design.

There are a number of different avenues you could take to really maximise your earnings. Of course, don’t be disheartened if this doesn’t all happen straight away. It takes time and dedication to build a successful blog but can be done you’re committed.

Do you have any top money earning tips for bloggers?

K Elizabeth xoxox

*Collaborative Post


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