Tuesday 20 August 2019

Stuff You’ll Wanted Sorted Before Your Baby Is Due!

Being a new mum can, while being wonderful, also be a stressful and busy time, to say the least. Although, hopefully, you will have plenty of people around you to support you during your baby's first few months. Having said that, getting your life and home and organised as possible before your little one arrives can help to alleviate some of this stress and make your new mum experience a lot calmer. A topic you can read all about in my post below.

The obvious stuff

There is no getting around it, there will be quite a few things that you need to purchase before your bundle of joy arrives. Of course, most of this is the reasonably obvious stuff like changing tables, prams and pushchairs, and baby baths. Something that you can often get at a cut-price by purchasing pre-loved instead of brand new.

You'll likely want to buy some clothes and items for the nursery as well. Although these do tend to be popular gifts from friends and family. Something that means it's best not to buy too much of this stuff early on, as you may find that it comes to you anyway.

The things no everyone thinks about

Some of the things you will want to get sorted before your baby arrives aren't as apparent as the ones above. However, that doesn't mean you won't be grateful you sorted them well before you go into labour.

One such thing is making sure that your home is as safe as possible. Something that you may need to complete repairs or renovation work to achieve, or perhaps fit safety features on taps, windows and stairs. After all, with the reduction in sleep you can expect in the first few months, it's crucial your home is as safe for you and your little one as possible.

In fact, this idea of safety is one that can be continued outside of the home as well. In particular, concerning the car you drive. Something that you are likely to take Baby out in fairly soon after birth, or even get driven to the hospital in when labour starts.

With that in mind, finding a good quality, used car like the ones from Hilton Car Supermarket, is always a good idea. After all, it will be used to carry the most valuable cargo of all, your child.

Taking care of your wellbeing

Of course, it can be easy to spend your entire pregnancy running around preparing for the arrival of your little one. However, it's also important to remember that carry a child can take a lot out of you physically and emotionally, and you certainly don't want to reach your due date all stressed out and frazzled.

To that end, taking some time to rest and care for your own well being is as vital as getting all of your material bits, and pieces sorted. After all, you'll want to go into your final few weeks before labour as calm and unfazed as possible, because you will have enough on your plate to cope with once Baby arrives!

K Elizabeth xoxox

*Collaborative post


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