Tuesday 13 August 2019

Stop putting those jobs off

Over on Instagram stories you will of seen, if you’re following, that we recently hired a skip. We are completely on operation “lets get this house organised” - at last! We’ve bought our home 8 years ago and there have been little jobs piling up over the last few years that we just keep putting off. This really played on my mind constantly, the house filling up with clutter & jobs - it was starting to feel slightly overwhelming.

So we decided that it was time to bite the bullet - no more talking about what we want to do but time to start actually putting all these plans into action. So, at the start of the summer holidays I wrote down all the jobs we wanted to do this year to give myself an overview of what I want to do and what needs to be done. Once we could see everything in black and white we ordered them in importance and practicalities. We knew that the first thing that needed to be done, before anything else could start was to hire a skip to clear out junk and an area of the garden.

It felt so good to make a start and clear everything ready for work to start.

Next, we will be having a shed built in the garden, at present we have no outdoor storage. So bikes & tools are all being kept in the house which is taking up vital room (room for other projects we have). This is due to go in in the next couple of months and I’m so excited to share with you our garden transformation.

Then we will be moving upstairs to our bedroom and en-suite. This is the only room in the house that currently just doesn’t work for us. The dimensions are very strange with an odd layout - so we want to try and maximise as much space as possible buy building clever storage/buying furniture.

We will be swapping our bed for an ottoman style bed so we can use the space underneath the bed in a more practical way. Our wardrobe will be having a re-vamp with a new system being installed within it to maximise hanging space. Shelves will be hung behind our door to make a dead space a functioning one and in the en-suite we will be swapping our radiator and installing Heated towel rails so we can really maximise space in there.

It’s not a massive job but they are jobs that we have put off for so long and I think they will make a huge difference to our home and hopefully make us less frustrated with the layout and storage in our home.

I would love to hear your clever storage solution hacks that you think we should consider.

K Elizabeth xoxox

*Collaborative Post


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