Thursday 29 August 2019

Is Your Dog's Dental Hygiene Up To Scratch?

Dental hygiene is important for us humans, but it’s just as important for dogs. The only problem is, they can’t look after their own teeth and they can’t tell you if there is something wrong, so it's up to you as an owner to keep your dog’s teeth healthy. A lot of people don’t realize that they need to be doing this and it can lead to some serious health problems for your dog in the future. If you haven’t been keeping up with your dog’s dental hygiene, these are the best ways to keep their teeth healthy. 

Feed Them The Right Food

Feeding your dog the right food is so important for their overall health. You need to find food that has good natural ingredients (a lot of the big brands don’t) and you need to ensure that you’re feeding them the right amount. But you also need to consider their dental health when picking out food for your dog. Foods that are filled with by-products, meals, and cereal grain will be more likely to stick to your dog’s teeth and cause them problems. They also tend to lack the nutrition needed for overall, and specifically, dental health. Ideally, you should feed them foods that are made with meat, vegetables, and fruits, with nothing else added.

You need to be very careful with treats as well because, just like human food, a lot of the snacks you give them can be very bad for their teeth. Instead, you should give them slices of fruits and vegetables which are better for them and they can help to scrape excess food from the teeth as they eat them.

Get Plenty Of Chew Toys

When dogs eat, they will naturally get some food stuck on their teeth and you need to find ways to get it off. One of the easiest ways to do that is to buy dog  toys that they can chew on because it helps to scrape the teeth clean. After every meal, you should try to give your dog a chew toy and encourage them to play with it for a while. They might not be interested to start with, but once you get into a routine, they will take to it easily.

Brush Regularly

How do you keep your teeth clean? Hopefully, you brush them twice a day. Dogs don’t need to have their teeth brushed twice a day or after every meal, but regular brushing is very important for them. Sometimes, they can be a bit reluctant to let you get in there and brush them, which is why you should start doing this early on so they can get used to it. You just need a dog toothbrush (or you can use a piece of gauze on your finger) and some dog toothpaste, and you can use your finger to give them a scrub. Ideally, you should be doing this at least once a week.

If you follow these steps, you can make sure that your dog has clean teeth and avoid any health problems.

K Elizabeth xoxox

*Collaborative Post


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