Tuesday 11 June 2019

Cheesies | Review & Giveaway

I think every here knows that I love food. Like really love food. I love to cook, I love to eat and I love to pin a ridiculous amount of recipes on Pinterest. So when I was offered the chance to review a new cheesy snack, of course, I'm going to say yes! So if you're a fan of cheese and looking for an alternative snack then keep on reading.

These delicious snacks are a great alternative to crisps, they're carb and gluten-free, high in protein, suitable for vegetarians and come in at 122 calories per serving. They also come in three flavours, Emmental, Guada and Cheddar.

I didn't really know what to expect from these, crunchy cheese just sounded odd but I have been pleasantly surprised! These are deliciously moreish and did not last long in our house!

They come in a paper bag style packaging fits very well with the healthy image and the instructions on the packs are quite humorous - "store in a dark, cool place like an arthouse cinema, Scandinavia or the Svalbard Global Seed Vault".  The bag is also handily resealable, each bag contains three servings.

The Cheesies themselves look almost like popcorn, they are small crunchy snacks and have been a huge hit with everyone in our house.

If you would like to win some of your own Cheesies goodies then make sure you enter the giveaway below.

Win A Selection Of Cheesies #16

K Elizabeth xoxox

*Products sent for the purpose of the review - all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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