Sunday 17 March 2019

Glam Goo | Review

Did you know it's national slime day today? No, nor did I! I didn't even know slime would constitute its own day - but it does and boy does Darcie LOVE slime!

In order to celebrate Glam Goo very kindly sent us some of their kits to review and when they arrived Darcie just could not contain her excitement! She was itching to rip into them and create her own perfect slime concoction.

The two set's we received were completely up her street, uber girly, sparkly and of course slimy!

 Included in the kit is a container of Glam Goo (clear slime), a glitter purse and double ring, three slime decorations – Cloud Crunch, Daydreams and Unicorn Tears, two colours: Electric Blue and Pinky Promise, one scent – Violet Vibes (lilac), and one mixing spoon. The other set contained the same but with a cute ring and keychain.

There will be a little word of warning here, this kit gets messy. Like really messy! I didn't mind this at all - you're, of course, supposed to get messy when you do this type of play. The slime is really sticky when you first handle it - but once it's worked it's like any other slime. Just make sure you have your surfaces covered (and carpets too) and you're good to go.

Darcie loved the process of making her own slime - adding the scents, colours and glitter. What she loved the most however was the fact she could carry her slime creations in her own bag. All sealed shut so there will be no leakages and, most importantly, will keep the slime "fresh" (is that what you'd say?!).

These sets retail for £22 and are available from most good toy retailers.

K Elizabeth xoxox

*Collaborative post (items gifted)

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