Thursday 10 January 2019

I’m dreaming of Whiter Teeth!

With the party season in full swing, you might have the perfect outfit in mind and the best accessories that perfectly match everything from your shoes to your eyeshadow. But, do you feel a little let down by the discoloration of your teeth? They say that the only thing you need to wear is a beautiful smile but if yours a grey, yellow and dull then you might be feeling a little self-conscious. It’s perfectly normal to have discoloured teeth, but with tooth whitening such an expensive cosmetic procedure, are there any other ways you could brighten you smile?

Well the simple answer, is yes! Read on for some helpful tips and straightforward advice on natural tooth whitening.

Speak to your dentist

Yes. It seems a little obvious, but regular trips to the dentist will certainly help keep your teeth healthy and clean! Regular trips to the hygienist who will clean your teeth thoroughly will also help. The dentist can also make sure your brushing technique is correct and provide advice on how to keep your mouth healthy. If you’re looking for a dentist, check out

Think before you drink

Tis the season to be merry! But before you pick up that glass of red wine, think again! Red wine has plenty of anti-oxidantsthat are meant to be good for you and of course it tastes great with a cheeseboard. But red wine is one of the main causes of stained teeth. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up a glass of the god stuff, just get in the habit of rinsing your mouth after your glass of wine, just to reduce the risk of staining.

Other foods

Other foods you need to be wary of include deep coloured fruits and veggies, so if you blackberries or blueberries with your desserts then try not to go overboard. Having beetrootwith your Christmas Dinner or buffets? You can try and reduce the staining process by brushing your teeth straight after you’ve eaten and rinsing your mouth with water.

Up your daily routine

You should be brushing at least twice a day, three times a day if you want to keep those stains at bay. If possible, brush after each meal and snack and its recommended that electric toothbrushes are better at removing stains and plaque from your teeth than a traditional toothbrush. And don’t forget to floss – so many of us don’t do it. So now is the time to start!

Stop smoking

We all know the health implications of smoking, and if you’re planning on giving up in the New Year then why not do it for your smile as well as your general health. Tobacco quickly stains teeth and tobacco stains are hard to remove by brushing alone, and the longer you smoke for the deeper the stains will be buried in your enamel. Smoking also increases the risk of gingivitis which can lead to tooth loss as well as bad breath and even some types of cancer.

K Elizabeth xoxox

*Collaborative Post


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