Wednesday 2 January 2019

30 Day Yoga Challenge

It's a brand new year and getting fit and healthy may be on your agenda for 2019. I definitely need to work on my fitness and I'm getting back into running again. In 2018 I found a love for Yoga and it's something I'm definitely going to continue through to this year and I want to kick off the year by completing a Yoga challenge.

Now 2018 left me a little gift in the form on a kidney infection and it has pretty much wiped me out so I wasn't able to start on the 1st. So, to keep my motivation in tack I thought I would write about it (this ticks off another resolution of blogging more too) and share exactly what I will be doing once I'm not doubled over in pain!


For Yoga, you don't need much in the way of equipment to get started. A yoga mat, comfortable clothes and you're good to go. Of course, when I imagine myself doing yoga, it would be in a tranquil space, filled with natural light and rocking the finest of yoga threads. Other than installing a cheap conservatory and styling it into my dream space for yoga, meditating and reading a good book, there will be no such luck. Instead, I will make do with my living room and a few candles, though you never know what 2019 may bring - perhaps a building project will be on the cards.


Yoga has so many incredible benefits, there have been dozens of scientific trials and studies on its health benefits, outlining that yoga is an effective way to increase physical activity, especially strength, flexibility and balance. There's even some evidence that regular yoga practice is beneficial for people with high blood pressure, heart disease, aches and pains – including lower back pain – depression and stress. For me, I love being able to check in with my body, it definitely helps reduce my anxiety also.

Let your breath untie the knots in your body and mind. Illustration by me.

30 Day Challenge

For my 30 day challenge, I will be using a website called DOYOYOGA it's a free website that you can sign up to complete classes. They also have their own 30-day challenge you can participate in. I also completely love Yoga with Adriene on YouTube. She has so many amazing yoga routines that will suit everyone from a beginner to someone more experienced. Her voice is so soothing and calming it really rounds off my day nicely doing one of her routines.

I'm excited to get started and I will make sure I do some videos in Instagram Stories for you all updating you on how I get on.

Is yoga apart of your routine?

K Elizabeth xoxox

*Collaborative Post

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