Tuesday 4 December 2018

How To Show Elderly Relatives You Care This Christmas

Christmas is for spending quality time and making memories with loved ones. For those of us with elderly relatives, it can be challenging to give them the love and care they need if we live miles away or are rushed off our feet. Here are some tips for making the most of your treasured time together this festive season.

Invite Them To Christmas Activities

Christmas is a time to make memories with your family. Make sure your elderly relatives are involved in the yuletide joy by arranging some easy activities and tasks for them to get involved in. Why not have some festive fun by playing an easy board or card game with the whole family? This will suit both elderly and young relatives, so everyone can join in!

Or ask them to help you prepare some of the Christmas meal. Prepping vegetables or potatoes is a simple task but will help them to feel involved. You can chat away whilst preparing the food and put some nice Christmas music on to get in the festive spirit.

Arrange Their Transport In Advance

It is important to arrange when they are going to visit and how they are going to get there. A lot of elderly people rely on public transport which can be tricky to navigate in winter weather conditions. Most need to walk to a bus stop or train station and slippy, icy paths can cause unnecessary falls around Christmas time. If they have restricted mobility, it may be best for another adult to pick them up and drive them to the host’s home. Make sure you plan this in advance, so you know someone will be available.

If you are planning on going for a family walk or taking the children out to a festive activity, make sure your elderly relatives can be involved by planning how they will get around. Companies such as Mobility Solutions offer a range of scooters which are a convenient and portable solution. They can easily be folded and popped in the boot of your car so your relative can be involved in the festive fun.

Make A Visit

Stop your elderly relatives from feeling lonely at Christmas time by making a visit to their home with the family. This is especially important if they live far away and can’t get to you on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day or Boxing Day. Plan a day that you and your family can go to visit them at home, take them some festive treats like mince pies and make them a cup of tea. Simply being there and having a chat will make them feel loved this Christmas time. It is also worth asking a neighbour or a nearby friend or relative to pop in to check on them through the holiday period. This will make them feel cared for and let you know that they’re ok.

K Elizabeth xoxox

*Collaborative Post

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