Friday 9 November 2018

Take care of yourself this Autumn

Autumn is a busy time for any parent. Summer consisted of long days filled with errands, activities and days out, but in Autumn we seem to have even more jobs but even less time. It’s important that you look after yourself during these hectic periods, getting run down will only leave you more vulnerable to the sickness bugs, illnesses and viruses that are abundant this time of year. But if you’re on a tight schedule you might be wondering how you can possibly set aside any time to administer a little self-care. Heading out and treating yourself; a new pair of shoes, choose a top designer handbag, will give you an instant pick me up, but what about the long term?

Don’t worry, here you’ll find 6 ways you can look after yourself this Autumn.

Consider taking a vitamin D supplement

We get most of our vitamin D intake from the sun, but as it’s Autumn/Winter and the amount of daylight we get is massively decreased, it’s not as easy to get your daily intake. If you’re not getting out much this season then consider a vitamin D supplement to help boost your immune system and your mood! Speaking of your immune system…

Give your immune system a boost

Drinking plenty of water, washing your hands regularly to avoid all those sickness bugs and viruses and eating lots of fruit, vegetables and nutritious foods will help keep those illnesses at bay.

Make some winter plans

We all tend to hibernate during the colder months of the year, even more so if we have nothing to do. Making plans during the winter months will get you out of the house, will get you socialising, keep you busy and keep your mood boosted. Heading out in the wind and rain might not seem pleasant at the time but once you meet those plans you’ll be glad you did.


We all know the effect winter and cold weather has on our skin. So, try to add a little indulgence to your daily skin routine. Whether you’ve just got out of the bath, you’re getting ready for the school run or heading to the office, apply a thick, indulgent moisturiser that’s rich in hydrating properties. Your skin will thank you.

Stay active 

Heading to the gym or breaking out the yoga mat at home when the baby is napping or when you have a spare five minutes in your schedule doesn’t seem like fun. But moving your body and keep active will not only boost your physical health, but your mental health too. Exercising reduces stress, gets the blood pumping and will make you feel good. You don’t even have to do anything specific – raking leaves in the garden counts!

Listen to your body

You’re a busy parent, with commitments and never ending errands to run, but during the cold months of the year, the shorter days and longer nights can cause low moods, the flu seasons causes sickness and daylight saving time can ruin your sleep pattern. Listen to your body and try to give it what it needs.

K Elizabeth xoxox

*Collaborative Post

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