Monday 18 September 2017

Tips to have a Mindful Holiday

As the colder months draw in you may be thinking ahead to planning your summer holiday next year, or perhaps you're aching for a little winter sun? I have to say, after getting off the phone with my dad who's currently exploring Singapore, adventures abroad are definitely on my mind. Though, rather than trying to tick off one of the cities on my seemingly ever-growing list of destinations to visit, I'm trying to think more about what I actually need from a holiday. This is the first time I've thought like this, I'm definitely becoming more mindful as to what I need at this particular point in my life.  Do I need rest in a beautiful Italian mansion? Do I need fun and adventure skiing in the French Alps? Do I need something entirely different - to see sights that are totally new and different? Do I need the comfort of someplace familiar? If you start to think more like this, then you're already taking note of emotional and physical needs and a holiday will be far more beneficial than you could ever imagine.

For most of us, holidays are a reward for working hard, a time where we can take time out or be care-free if we wish. Even if you plan down to the very last detail, there is still a lot that can be out of your control. Delayed flights, lost baggage or even the weather. Negative events can take you on a downward spiral which is where mindfulness practice can come in handy.

Being mindful means observing the present moment, just as it is, without judging it as good or bad, positive of negative. It's about appreciating what is. The idea is if we can accept any present circumstance as they actually are, we will be a lot happier. Whilst on holiday you may think "I'm going to just go with the flow" but sometimes, expectations can get the better of us. 

What Type of Holiday? 

If you're looking to really benefit from a holiday, you really have to look at what you need or desire to take away from it. Choosing a holiday that will promote mindfulness and that will help me relax, destress and make memories with my children are hugely important to me. I don't want to stress that my children are annoying other guests, or that we have to be at breakfast by a particular time. I want freedom.

Personally, I am longing for a family holiday, with extended family members, all living under one roof. Having children, holiday's can become stressful at times and by having a few extra hands to lighten the load gives everyone a chance to have some time to switch off. Of course, it also gives a chance to share those precious moments with our children in the company of grandparents and those who love them as much as you do. 

When holidaying with children, it doesn't mean you have to lose any of the luxury elements you may long for. I'm dying to visit Italy and probably the best way for us to do this as a large group, is to holiday in a villa. It ticks all the boxes for us. Luxury, stress-free, own meal times, privacy and the freedom to holiday any way we wish. 

 Ways to stay mindful wherever you holiday

So if you're on holiday and something is having a negative impact on you, take a moment to take three deep breaths and reset your mindset. Consciously breathing will help to calm your nervous system and clears a racing mind. If you find this hard to do, then reach for the Calm App, this will aid you on the way to a clearer headspace. 

A simple and effective way to be more mindful is to make a note of positive and joyful things. I did this on a hiking trip in the Peak District where I started my gratitude journal. It's now something I've built into everyday life. So even on the bleakest day, I focus on the positive, no matter how small. Travel journals have always been popular and if you enjoy writing then implementing a little bit of mindfulness would be very easy to do.

Unplugging from technology is such a huge one for me. We spend so much time mindlessly scrolling, liking, clicking but a holiday really should be a time to get away from the addictive bright screen. As a blogger, I find this so hard to do, but unplugging will make you so much more present, and you’ll thank yourself later for doing so.

If you're a regular reader of mine, you will know that I love meditation and this last year it's something I have really got into. One of the main reasons Italy is so high on my places to visit is because I desperately want to visit Old Terme Bagni Bormio spa for the day. It's a traditional bath spa set in the Italian Alps and all I can think about is meditating there! A day ticket is only €72 and gives you access to the whole spa and wellness center. Of course, you can implement meditation into your holiday without the need for a spa. I use the Guided Meditations app regularly, which would be fab to listen whilst next to the pool or if you need a quick moment of 'zen' during a busy day. 

I would love to hear if you are thinking of booking a holiday soon and whether you take any these mindful tips when you're in the process or if you have any mindful tips of your own you would like to share.

Mummy B xoxox

*Collaborative Post


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