Wednesday 20 September 2017

Feeling Content?

Feeling content. I haven't felt that in a while. Life, with its confusing ups and downs and seemingly never-ending challenges always seem to knock me more than they should. Whether it's trying to find long-lasting love, a career that doesn't feel like work or simply freeing up more time to do the things we love are all things we all strive for. The journey to "happiness" can feel like something where the goal posts continue to move. I often wonder whether there are any tips and tricks that can help you feeling content and at your best.

We all want to feel content and happy, it's actually proven to be "good" for you. It's linked to an improved immune system, physical function and even living longer. Leading a more positive and happy life has been my goal for 2017 and it has been so god damn hard, even having to turn to medication for my anxiety felt like an all-time low. In reality, this was me taking the steps to be more positive and happy. Getting me to a better place to overcome challenges. While it's important to realise that some things are out of our control, contentedness is definitely possible - and it usually takes less work than we think.


When I  feel my most settled, is usually when I'm in a good routine that's made up of healthy habits such as daily exercise, spending time with good friends, eating well and sleeping enough. In all honesty, I'm normally at my happiest, term time (I'm a teacher by day) when my life has a really good (though slightly hectic) routine. Perhaps this is why over the past few weeks I felt the most content I have all year.

Small Things

Focusing on the small and beautiful little moments in life goes a lot further than the superficial stuff. Appreciating love, laughter and the world around you will make you far less likely to be envious of others. We all know how much that little green monster can get the better of us all and can bring your mood down to a complete low.

Be Realistic

I've always been a dreamer and have always had ambition and drive throughout life. And, of course, they are important. But most people who are content in their day to day lives are also realistic. Channeling all of your energies into one area of your life and perhaps even putting all your hopes on one particular outcome, isn't going to manifest into true happiness. Instead, taking a more relaxed approach to challenges that life may bring. 


I've always said the key to any relationships are compromise and I still feel this stands true. However, when it comes staying true to your core values - compromise doesn't come into the equation. Having the confidence to stay true to you, and live happily in your own skin is incredibly empowering.

Believe in you

Having a clear vision of who you are and what you're trying to achieve is the first step. But positive people aren't afraid to put themselves forward in challenging situations because they believe in themselves. I have to constantly remind myself that I can do something and the only way I 100% can't-do something is if I don't try.

Mummy B xoxox


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