Tuesday 15 August 2017

Playground Nostalgia | Kickers Competition

Sounds of my childhood include the rope hitting the playground floor and the rhythmic beat of children's feet. The chants of London Bridge that's falling down again and asking Mr Wolf for the time. The clanging of collections of Tamagotchi's on school bags and the sighs from children that had once again forgotten to feed their 'pet'. The scratching of heads as we try to do Cats Cradle, never quite getting it right. The clapping of hands and songs about sailors going to sea to see what he could see. Children haggling as they swap, pogs, beanies and Pokemon cards.  The shouts of "ouch" as you once again knock your knuckles on 'clackers', whilst others sat quietly with the occasional musical beep beep from Gameboy's.

The toys and games may have changed since my playground days but the laughter and excitement are still much the same today. Instead of clackers, there are fidget spinners, both of which puzzle parents I'm sure - but they take the playgrounds by storm and will create fond memories for them as they have done for us.

Kickers have launched a fantastic competition to encourage you to take your children on a trip down memory lane comparing playground crazes from your day and today's. Kickers are offering you the chance to win one of 100 #KickersPlayground nostalgia packs including 1 Kickers lunchbox, 1 Kickers water bottle and a selection of old playground favourites (Tamagotchi, yo-yo, slap band and slinky) as well as one new one, the new to fame fidget spinner!

To enter simply post an image of either your old playground toy or your child's current favourite toy onto Instagram or Facebook, @Kickersuk and use the hashtag #KickersPlayground. It's as simple as that!

So in the spirit of this competition I have spent the afternoon with Darcie having a go at Cat's Cradle. It's just as hard as I remember and couldn't get past the first few steps! I'm sure there's a YouTube tutorial that would've helped (we didn't have that in our day!). Darcie declared "it's a bit boring" - though this is a girl who loves a fidget spinner (which I just don't get).

I love this competition and writing this post has brought back so many lovely memories. I'm kind of hankering to get a yo-yo now and see if I can "walk the dog" and go "around the world" like I used to do. What was your favourite playground game/craze? You can find all the details about the competition here.

Mummy B xoxox

*Collaborative Post


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