Thursday 31 August 2017

Exploring in Autumn with Kids

As I'm sat here writing this, the temperature outside has dropped and it's currently pouring - it's a stark contrast to our sweltering adventuring in the captial yesterday. Autumn is definitely on the horizon and for many, this marks the end of outdoor adventures with the kids and opting for rainy day activities, soft play and movie days. However, just because it's starting to get a little bit cooler and the weather even more unpredictable than usual, it doesn't mean that outdoor exploring needs to stop.

We all know just how good it is for your kids to get outside and enjoy the fresh air, but sometimes we can be lost for ideas or not fancy getting wet and cold. Neither of these things should stop you, dressing sensibly and a little bit of planning both go a long way to getting outside over the colder months. All in one rain suits mean that you don't have to worry about your little ones getting wet or clothes getting ruined, they can literally play whatever the weather, carefree. They're also great because you can layer up, so as it gets colder add jumpers and thermals. Shoes should never get forgotten about, we love wellies in our house and they're perfect for puddle and leaf jumping.

Bug Hunting is something that can be done all year round and is definitely not just a summer activity. You can easily make yourself a little bug hunting kit, which could include;
  • Bug container a clear plastic tub or jam jar with air holes so your find's can be fully examined before being released back into the wild.
  • Tweezers for picking up creepy crawlies (A plastic spoon is often a better choice for smaller children who may squeeze a little too hard with tweezers!!)
  • Camera or sketchbook and pencil for recording your findings, you can then either refer to an identification guide either while you are on your hunt or when you get home and see what kinds of bugs you have discovered.
  • Hand wash gel/ sanitiser for obvious reasons!
  • Magnifying glass (optional)
  • Binoculars 

We were provided with a lovely little bug hunting pack by nurseries in Hammersmith and it has literally gone on every single adventure these past two weeks! It's always wise to remember that there are a few hidden dangers when you're out exploring, so its worth going through some of those with them to avoid stings etc. Also, make sure you remind little explorers that when you're exploring that you need to try and disturb creatures and their homes as little as possible and replace any logs or stones you overturn.  

Children can get so much enjoyment from this, it's hours of fun with very little cost to you and with the changing of seasons now is the most exciting time to get outside and see what you can uncover. The Wildlife Trust is also running a number of Autumn Bug Hunting days, so it's worth checking out if a local centre has this on. It's only a £6 donation per child and it's bound to be hugely educational as well as fun.

Bear hunts are pretty common during the colder months in our family. They can make any walk that bit more fun with little ones in tow, they even bring their own teddies occasionally. Of course, conker season is just around the corner along with leaf transfers and leaf jumping. Failing that, let your kids lead the way, let them come up with their own ideas for fun outside this autumn. 

September also means back to school and nursery for us and getting outside is something that both my children's school and nursery promotes. They encourage the children to get outside as much as possible whatever the weather and also run forest schools. This is a part of education that I feel is hugely important and as well as being educational it's super beneficial for health and well-being too and was a huge factor when choosing care providers and schools for my children. 

I would love to hear your ideas for activities outside with the kids for this Autumn.

Mummy B xoxox

*Collaborative Post


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