Saturday 10 June 2017

Happiness & Being Content

This week has been a stressful one for many, so much hate and frustrations being spread across social media regarding the election. People declaring they wish to leave the country, finding out about private health care because they believe our NHS is now doomed and generally feeling miserable. I, on the other hand, am feeling positive. No, this isn't a political post, but we're halfway through the year and wanted to do an updated post on my journey to a more positive and happy life. Perhaps, if you're feeling low this may help you to get back on track to a positive mindset.

You will all know my struggles with anxiety and indeed my struggles with positivity, changing your mindset is no easy feat but at the end of the day, if you want to change in your life, it's down to you. You can have all the support in the world but if you don't want the change or are not in a place where you feel ready for change, it won't happen. I knew that this was the right time. I was ready to combat my demons and live life fully again.

One of the first things I have done is to challenge myself. At work I said yes to things that normally would make me slightly on edge, the result has been incredible. It has lead to being given more responsibility in a role that I have wanted for a while. On the blog front too, I've been more active, pitching ideas to companies I've always dreamed of working with and again have been so happy with the opportunities that have arisen. When you live life with anxiety, you constantly tell yourself there's no point, or you worry you will fail. But old FOMO has altered my outlook.

Something I wanted to do this year was claw back the balance in my life. I'm being a little more firm with ensuring I'm not being taken for granted, I will stand my ground if I feel I'm being taken for a ride. I've reduced my working hours to allow me more time with the children and focus on blog work. Those few hours have made a huge difference, allowing me to do more of what I love.

I have been recently getting back into reading and have fallen head over heels in love with the app Readly. Readly is a magazine subscription which is available on both Android and Apple and has absolutely tons of magazines which are available to read and not just current issues, back issues too. I love that I can have it on both my phone and Ipad, it makes it ideal for me as a busy working mum to steel a few mins here and there to just have a little bit of quality me time. The subscription is £7.99 and when you think about how expensive one magazine can be, is an absolute bargin and really worth investing in for a bit of "me time". You can use my link here for a month's free trial.

As you know I've also started exercising more and challenging myself to run 10k. When I was younger I was incredibly active and fit. A hell of a lot slimmer and very confident. I lost that side of me along the way. But I've found her again. This morning, a Saturday I may add, I got up at 6.45am and ran 5k. I wobble. A lot. But I've learnt not to give a fuck. I don't normally swear on here, but I'm almost 30 and I'm tired of feeling like I need to conform to what society thinks I should, look like/behave and I genuinely have learnt not to give a flying wattsit! As long as you're kind to those around you, work hard - you're on the right track. Anyone that tells you otherwise has clearly lost a little bit of happy of their own.

Notebook | Pencil Case | Pens | Mug

Organisation, well I've kind of learnt that this is pretty essential if I want to live the life I have created for me and my family. We're busy and it's only going to get busier from September when my new role at work starts. We plan and juggle and I think we're getting it right for the most part. You have to learn to prioritse and I really find that lists truly help clear my head. Along with my Bullet Journal, notepads and pens have become therapeutic  tools to help me clear my mind. I was recently sent some gorgeous strationary pieces from Rooi, include an absolutely stunning Kate Spade notebook with the Charlotte Bronte quote;

"I would always rather be happy than dignified"

I think this is rather apt for my quest to positivity and happiness and looks beautiful on my desk alongside my glorious floral pencil case and colourful pens - they definitely brighten up my desk and promote productivity.

If you're currently feeling a little lost, you most certainly are not alone. Reaching out to someone to share how you're feeling is a great step to becoming more positive and finding the happy again.

Mummy B xoxox

*Collaborative Post


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