Friday 26 May 2017

Overcoming Hurdles | 10K

After about a year of saying "I would love to run a 10K", I have finally done the steps to do just that. Last week I signed up to my first 10K and embarked on my first week of training and boy, I'm feeling good. I'm not in the best shape. I'm two stone heavier than I'd like to be. I'm very much lacking in that area of fitness but I'm feeling good. Mindset is everything.

You will all know of my struggles with mindset and positivity, well I now feel in a place where I can do something I've always thought was unachievable for me. I've made excuses many times over and just won't be beaten this time. I've even been full of cold and really not felt great but still  I have gone out and completed my training runs. Not just completed them, but I actually feel proud of being able to do those runs.

I've always been hard on myself, so hard that it has stopped me from doing so many things. Whilst I may appear confident to those I'm close with, self-doubt literally riddles me every single day. Fear of failing is a huge hurdle for me and though I tell my own students that this is such a poor and negative mindset ( which can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy,) I haven't seemed to practice it in recent years and although I haven't failed - I've missed out on so many experiences that could of opened so many doors or strengthened character. I kind of look back and shake my head. Being negative is so frustrating.

With the encouragement of some lovely pals, I now have the confidence that I actually can do this. I've downloaded myself the C210k app along with Strava and I'm getting quite into it. The running community seems a lovely and supportive lot. My 10k is on the 15th July, so I've had to skip a fair few weeks in order to reach my target (6 weeks worth of training I've had to skip!) - but so far, so good.

Overcoming hurdles, however big or small is a daunting task. I can't wait to experience crossing that finish line and sense of achievement. 

I would love to hear if you're working towards a goal, however big or small and what you're doing to reach it.

Mummy B xoxox


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