Wednesday 10 May 2017

Brighten up your home for Summer

Today has felt like summer is almost here. I enjoyed the sunshine today during my lunch break and went for a walk with a friend, it was gorgeous. Once home we decided to take the kids to the park for ice cream and then have a mini BBQ dinner - it felt so good. Amazing what a bit of sun can do for your mood.

As summer feels like it's almost here, my thoughts turn to getting the house summer ready. As with the change of every season, I like to switch things up a little, whether it's switching some photo's around, adding different scented candles to fit with the season. There's so much you can do that gives the home almost a whole new lease of life.

Of course, if I had unlimited funds I would love to build an extension as I've said so many times before. I can picture a smaller room attached to the back of our kitchen, for an office space and playroom. It would be in white, with lots of plants for greenery and beautiful upvc roof lanterns to bring in tonnes of light.

Coming slightly more back down to earth, the changes I will be making will be on a lot more smaller scale, but hopefully will have a lovely effect.

I'm a huge fan of copper and have a number of pieces in my home that are copper, though all are in the kitchen! I would love this to extend a little more into our living room and have a few pieces to tie the living room and kitchen together. This gorgeous lamp from Cox & Cox would be ideal for this, our current lamp really doesn't fit with our newly decorated living room and this would bring the copper theme I love and our current grey theme in our living room together nicely. Also, these beautiful cushions would also complement well.

As I often practice mindfulness, I would love to have more greenery around the home. Beautiful palms just scream summer, along with cacti - plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen; plants in your home are no exception. Oxygen affects every part of your body and mind and making sure you get quality air is essential to your well-being. Why wouldn't you want more zen if your life?!

Mirrors are perfect for reflecting light around the home, and this window style mirror is exactly what I've been looking for. They remind me of my summers in the south of France as a teen.

Lastly, a few little decorative pieces I have wanted for a while include a copper dish, this beautiful Scandinavian candle and the legendary print from Hannah Maggs. I've been uttering these words to myself in the mornings when I'm making my eggs and spinach on the go brekkie!

I would love to hear any home items you have your eye on at the moment, I'm definitely loving my interiors right now, why not check out my latest idea's over on Pinterest?

Mummy B xoxox

*Collaborative Post


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