Monday 29 May 2017

Bank Holiday Sun

Yes, it's Bank Holiday and we've had sun! So much sun I'm a slight shade of red. That's definitely a novelty and something to document.  We've had a gorgeous Bank Holiday weekend so far and it's been a while since I've done one of these "what we've been up to" style of posts. I've been so busy creating content, that I keep forgetting my main reason for blogging - as an online diary. So I'm challenging myself to make sure I write more personal posts.

On Saturday, we did our normal Saturday morning routine. Which is of course, dancing! It's an early'ish start, her class starting at 9:15 and lasts for about an hour. You all know how much I love that she's dancing and it always puts me in a good mood to see her dancing. We then went for a lazy brunch before my hair appointment. My hair was well overdue a cut & colour and a number of grey hairs I have it desperately needed doing! It's so nice having a few hours to myself, not being Mum. My hairdresser is a family friend and it's always lovely to see her too! I've gone quite short for summer, shorter than hubby likes but I'm kind of in love with it.

Then on Sunday we spent the morning rummaging around a car boot - the kiddies love finding treasures and it's always a nice way to start a Sunday as it gets you up nice and early! Unfortunately, it was unsuccessful so we headed to Bury St. Edmunds for a mooch around the shops and a play in the Abbey Gardens.

The children played happily in the sand pit area for well over an hour. It was pure bliss. As a parent, you really strive for moments like this. Where your children are playing in harmony together, whilst you look on beaming with pride. Darcie was the model big sister. Helping Henry overcome obstacles, making sure he didn't wander off, readjusting his hat to make sure the sun wasn't in his eyes. I felt that in that moment I was super mum.

The day continued and I was on the parenting equivalent of cloud 9 all day. Having snuggles with Henry in the Tula and Darcie continuing to surprise me with her maturity.

This morning Jamie has headed off to the gym, whilst we have a lazy morning. Tomorrow we're heading off to London. We've been invited to a special screening of Diary of a Wimpy Kid as a guest of Joules and have decided to make it a special day out for Darcie (she's turning 5 on Friday). Both me and Jamie are very much looking forward to spending some one on one time with her. I'm thinking of vlogging the day too - so keep your eyes peeled for that.

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend and have enjoyed this old style of post (and if you'd like me to do more then let me know!).

Mummy B xoxox

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