Monday 24 April 2017

How to Dress the Family for a Wedding

For families, weddings are great fun. Often, there is entertainment for the children, or at the very least other kids for them to play with. This gives you the chance to relax completely, for a change. You know the kids are safe, so you can chill out a bit and catch up with family and friends.
The tricky part is preparing for the wedding. Sometimes getting everyone kitted out in a nice outfit can turn into a bit of nightmare, but it needn´t be this way.

Start shopping early

The best approach is to do your shopping as far in advance as possible. Fortunately, very few couples get married at the last moment, so it is not hard to plan ahead.

Ideally, you want to have bought everyone´s outfits at a least a month in advance of the big day. This gives you the chance to have a dry run and get everyone dressed up in the clothes they will be wearing to check for issues. That way if you find that your dress needs taking in, or your husband´s suit sleeves are too long you have enough time to get the adjustments done.

Consider shopping online

Dragging everyone around the shops is not much fun. Young children never respond well to waiting around while mum and dad try on numerous outfits. After about an hour they tend to get fractious, so you want to get the shopping done as quickly as possible.

These days, doing it online is a viable option, even when you are buying an outfit for a special occasion. As you can see from this website, there is plenty of choice available from online retailers.
You really can spend an evening browsing online and buy everything you need. Just be sure to shop early to allow enough time for delivery, as well as trying the items on and getting any adjustments made.

If you prefer to buy from the shops, it is still worth going online before you go to do a bit of research. That way you will know exactly what you are going to buy and know which shops you need to visit.
Be ready for accidents

When choosing outfits you need to bear in mind a few practicalities. For example, if you have toddlers anything you buy them needs to be easy to wipe down. That brings me to another point, which is not to forget to pack items like bibs and baby wipes.

Think about the weather

You also need to make sure that the outfit you choose will be suitable regardless of what the weather is like. For the younger members of the family it makes sense to buy them a hat. Something they can wear to protect them from the sun, or keep their hair dry if it should rain.

As you can see the number one rule when dressing your family for a wedding is to be organised. Generally speaking, the more organised you are the more likely it is that you will be able to fully relax and enjoy the day.

Mummy B xoxox

* Collaborative Post

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