Tuesday 21 February 2017

Sex, Money & Death

Did the heading grab your attention? Or did it leave you feeling slightly awkward and a tad flushed? Why is it that we find certain topics really hard to discuss? Topic's like sex, death, financial matters and mental health are all topics that we tend to find difficult discussing with our family.  As a parent, I worry that my children may not feel comfortable coming to me if they needed help or advice. And although they're young, I think it's important to try and be as open as possible in order for there to be that open line of communication.

My parents have always been open with me, from telling me about the birds and the bee's to telling us about their divorce. They've always laid it out in the most honest way possible, allowing us to ask questions when needed. I'm hoping that my husband and I will continue to be open with our children. In my day job, I'm also a teacher in charge of creating Life Skill resources - aiming to tackle these tricky subjects head on. Children are naturally curious and are usually fairly eager to ask questions, so why is it in adulthood we seem to regress and find it difficult?

I guess when we're an adult we're supposed to have all the answers. We're supposed to know what we're doing anything that highlights this isn't the case can make us feel like we've failed in the adult world.

Which? put together some research about these tricky subjects. Whilst, of course, the usual suspects are up there, sex, relationships, finances and deaths - Wills seem to be the most trickiest subject.

Writing a will is a decision that many of us find difficult, perhaps it's because it is something we don't like to think about, naturally, we then take a dislike discussing with others. But considering your decisions can have an impact on those you love, why shouldn't you discuss it with them?

A will makes it much easier for your family or friends to sort everything out when you die – without a will the process can be more time consuming and stressful. You think it's hard to talk about finances now? Imagine how your loved ones would feel having to discuss yours. If you don’t write a will, everything you own will be shared out in a standard way defined by the law – which isn’t always the way you might want. It is also especially important if you have children or other family who depend on you financially, or if you want to leave something to people outside your immediate family. It just makes so much sense to have a will.

When my husband and I bought our home at the tender age of 22, we wrote an agreement linked to our mortgage as to what should happen to our home if we were to die etc. Whilst it felt odd at the time discussing it, it's nice to know that that side of things has been taken care of. However, we both have no official will and it's definitely something I want to look into now we have children. Thankfully, Which? have an easy to use online tool to create a will in 30 minutes we should help guide me to make sure I don't miss anything vital.

Do you have a will? Is it something you found difficult to discuss?

Mummy B xoxox

*Collaborative Post

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