Sunday 8 January 2017

My Happy List #1

Choosing to focus on happiness and positivity this year, I have decided to try and write round ups of our week. Reflecting on all the wonderful and positive things that may have happened. Most of them are pretty ordinary, but that's what's lovely about choosing to have a positive outlook - they make even the little things seem that much more wonderful.


We spent the day with Darcie's best friend from school and her family. We headed to soft play and then out for a pub lunch. Darcie had so much fun spending time with her buddy, their bond reminds me of my best buddy - I love that she has found a friendship like that.

That afternoon we headed to my Dad's and spent time with them. We got my Dad a Scaletrix set for Christmas, so we set that up and had a fair few races.  We also ordered our brand new sofa's, which is so exciting as I have been planning our living room for a while now. It was the perfect way to end the day.


We spent the day at home as I was due to go back to work the next day. I needed some time get myself organised and "head back in the game". Mum came over too and spent some time with the kiddies. That evening I wrote a post that has gone down really well, '5 ways to bring Hygge into your home 2017'.


I went back to work (I work in a high school), it was INSET and we did a Wellbeing session which I was in two minds about if I'm honest. It's great that wellbeing and mental health is coming to the for front of society and our speaker was encouraging us to make time for ourselves and do more of what we love. I feel it was stuff we all already know, but I don't feel like I benefitted from it. More practical discussions on how we get that balance right would've been more welcome - but I'm so pleased that these open conversations about wellbeing and mental health are being taken seriously and encouraged.

I loved coming home to my babies, Henry was full of affection as usual and Darcie happy to tell me about all their mischief she got up to with daddy - she had fizzy pop :o


A great day at work where lessons went well - I love it when everything just runs so smoothly and you feel completely satisfied that you've done your best. My job is incredibly rewarding. What's more, I received new's that I won a fairly big blogging contract! A good work day all round.


Another day at work but then once work was done it was time to play! We headed to Norwich where Jamie headed to play football with his colleagues and I took the kiddies for a walk. I'm consciously trying to go for walks around four times each week. It really clears my mind and brings we a lot of joy, especially if the kids are with me. We chat, dream and enjoy the sights around us.


Another walk for me and the kids, a good four miles! We went across countryside and stumbled upon an absolutely beautiful church. It was redundant but is still being kept open to the public. It's rustic charm completely appealed, I can't wait to head back.


Hubby had a rather swampy 10k run that he took part in. We all headed to watch and cheer him on. My two were so good the whole time, Henry being eager to explore walked most of the time and Darcie held his hand. I love that they are doing more things together.

In the afternoon I cooked a pretty amazing Toad in the Hole with out of this world roast potatoes. Don't want to sound like I'm blowing my own trumpet, but usually mine are mediocre - this were pretty perfect!

I hope you've all had a wonderful week and found happiness throughout.

Mummy B xoxox

I'm linking up with The Ordinary Moments.


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