Saturday 7 January 2017

#BlogTipsNTricks #2

Firstly thank you so much to those of you who linked up last week. I was so grateful! I loved reading all of your blogging goals for 2017 and I'm feeling very inspired by you all. What I did notice is how lots of you are wanting to make sure you make more time for you and that's something I completely agree with and I'm taking with me through 2017. Wellbeing is so important, I think a lot of people have no idea just how much work goes into blogging and we deserve a break every now and then.

I particularly loved Nadia's from Scandi Mummy's post about her journey becoming a blogger, I find it so fascinating how people fall into blogging. I've also discovered her YouTube channel which is fab!

The #BlogTipsNTricks Linky consists of any post related to blogging. It could be;
  • Tips and tricks (name says it all really!)
  • Monthly income
  • Product/service review that has helped you blog/promote
  • Or a general whinge related to blogging
Everything blogging related is welcome here. I would love this to be a community where we can support and help grow our blogs. I have been blogging for over four years now and still feel that I'm learning something new constantly.

So if you fancy sharing your fabulous blogging posts please feel free to link up. The only rules are;
  • One link per linky (can be an old post that you haven't linked before)
  • Comment on two other posts
  • And link back to me please to spread the word (or place badge below on post)

I promise to comment on all posts linked up, share them on Twitter and they will be added to the #BlogTipsNTricks Pinterest board.

Mummy B #BlogTipsNTricks Linky

Look forward to reading your posts.

Mummy B xoxox

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