Wednesday 7 December 2016

Keeping safe this Christmas

One sad reality of Christmas is that burglaries rise by 20% at this time of year. There are, however, a few things that can help keep your property safe during the festive period. No one want's the stress or heartache of becoming a victim of crime, especially at such a wonderful time of year.

Ensure all windows are secure

Sorry to state the obvious but ensuring your windows are closed fully should be the first point of prevention. It's about making sure you don't fall victim to opportunists. 

Leaving lights on

Shops tend to leave their lights on, even at night, and there's a reason for this. It act's as a spotlight on those who shouldn't be there. You can use a timer or even use apps to turn light's on when you're away.

Remember to lock the front door, even if you are inside

Locking the front door is obvious, but it is also something you should do even when you are home to stop people sneaking in. If you do open the door to a caller, such as a late night delivery from an online retailer, check who they are first before opening the door fully. 

Don't advertise your presents

If your Christmas tree is in a window, don't put any presents around it before Christmas morning. Not that I can do that with my inquisitive two anyway! If you've put all your lovely presents on display, it makes it even easier for any would-be criminal to take their pick. Hide presents until the last minute, and if you've got things like bikes to gift, don't just store them in the unlocked shed in the garden. 
Likewise, a big shiny packaging box dumped next to your bin the day after is like a red rag to a bull. Don't do it. Flat pack it and take it to the recycle tip when you ditch the tree. 

Stay off public social media

"Away for the Holidays!" #emptyhouse #pleaserobme. Yes, if you can, don't tell the internet that you aren't going to be at your home this Christmas and that it's free to be raided when it suits them. 

Install a security camera

Because if the worst does happen, having cold hard evidence is vital when getting justice. They really do not have to be expensive either. Security cameras such as the Panasonic outdoor camera costs as little at £99. It can live stream footage straight to your smart phone flagging up any potential danger early.

Stay safe and enjoy the festivities

Mummy B xoxox

*Collaborative Post


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