Friday 30 December 2016

2016 Reflection & Looking to 2017

I think almost everyone is in agreement, but I'm totally ready for 2016 to be over with. For us personally as a family, it's been a so-so year. We've had some really lovely moments and made lots of incredible memories. However, it's been hard. Really hard.

We've had quite a lot of stress and pressure, trying to fulfil our roles as parents whilst pursuing our careers and own personal goals - has been a challenge. I think trying to get the right balance is a permanent challenge, one that I think a lot of families can sympathise with. One of my aims for 2017 is to get that balance right, but I have some pretty big goals so, for my families sake, I need to try and get this right.

2016 saw Darcie start school, I can not get over how much she has grown this past year. As she is getting older and developing her own voice we've started to clash. Nothing major, I think it's a good sign she is becoming independent, though I do hate the bickering sometimes! God help me when those hormones kick in too in a few years time! I also can't believe how much she has learnt at school already. She's doing incredibly well academically and made firm friendships too which is lovely and I hope this continues through 2017.

Henry, now one, is full of mischief and keeps us on our toes. In fact, he will be saying hello to 2017 with a nice new scar on his lip which he did today. The Nurse told me to expect more of this, boys tend gravitate towards danger. This is so bloody true! With Darcie, she would happily sit in the same place playing nicely with her toys or colouring. Henry is pretty much like a disaster waiting to happen! I've said this before and I know you shouldn't stereotype, but he's such a boy! I'm looking forward to seeing him grow in 2017, hopefully with no new scars and avoiding giving me any heart attacks would be a bonus.

My husband continues to inspire me. His determination it push himself to be better is admirable. He's set himself quite a few running challenges this year which always makes me feel shit. I wish I could find that determination to take on those challenges myself, but with the stuff I have planned for 2017, perhaps that will have to wait till 2018.  I'm not going to lie because I don't think this blog should be all roses, but we've struggled this year. More time for us will definitely be on the cards in 2017. This is something that is pretty much on top of my list above any other goals. We get suckered into everyday life, same routines day in day out, and often we neglect each other. He's an amazing person, he seems to think I'm alright too, so making sure we celebrate this with time together, no kids, is imperative. Definitely, more date nights will be had in 2017.

I think my phrase for 2017 is going to be "just do it". I often find myself thinking, "I need to do this", "I haven't done that", or "I'd like to do this", whereas if I just got on with it, I'd be far more productive and happier for it. Keeping it simple for 2017, I think, will be the way forward.

How have you found 2016? What would be your highlight?

Mummy B xoxox

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