Monday 28 March 2016

Our Easter Weekend

Bank Holiday Monday, true to form is wet and horrible! So we're currently snuggled up watching Fantastic Mr Fox and I thought I would update you on what we've been up too over Easter.

On Good Friday we headed to Winchester to visit Jamie's brother & wife. They will be soon jetting off across the pond to set up home in Californa, so we're grabbing every opportunity we can to spend time with them. We will miss them dearly, Darcie is especially besotted with her Aunt & Uncle. Luckily the weather was beautiful, we had a lovely walk around Winchester, which has some very pretty spots. We then took advantage of the warmer sunnier weather and had lunch in a beer garden. It's safe to say this weekend we've been particularly naughty when it comes to food! But hey, it's Easter!

Spending time with Family, to me, is what Easter is all about. One of my favourite pictures taken from this weekend was one of Darcie and her Uncle, who spent some time singing their little hearts out on the guitars. Too cute. On the way home from Winchester, we stopped off for Dinner with Jamie's parents. Again, so much good food was had! 

On Easter Sunday we were all a little tired, but we wanted to go to a local Easter egg hunt. The weather was looking good, so we ventured out. Except when we got there the heavens opened and we had to cancel! Feeling glum we headed to my mums, who cheered the kiddies up with their Easter Baskets. She had filled them with crafting goodies, outfits and some choccy goodies too. We're looking forward to doing a few crafts later.

Because the weather has been so glum, I'm so thankful that we did our Easter Egg hunt earlier in the week. We decided to head to Bury St. Edmunds and hide some eggs in a secluded spot in the Abbey Gardens, they had so much fun and managed to get some gorgeous photo's of them.

They both loved spending time roaming the gardens, exploring every nook and cranny to find there chocolate eggs. Even if the weather was glum, it really didn't matter as they had these gorgeous matching coats from Next.  You can shop their looks here

Of course, even when the weather is glum, you can still have fun at home. The kiddies have spent lots of time playing together, enjoying Easter books and eating Easter treats like hot cross buns!

I hope everyone has had a fabulous weekend, spending it with the ones they love. 

Mummy B xoxox


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