Sunday 6 March 2016

Mothers Day 2016

Firstly, happy Mother's Day to all the mummy's out there doing their best for the most important people in their lives. Hope you've all had a wonderful day spending it with the ones you love the most!

This is my fourth Mother's Day, but my first as a mum of two. This morning I woke to two snoozing little people who were snuggling up so close to me, all I could feel was warmth and love. Even if they had crept into my bed at four am! My husband then got home from work (he was a night shift!) walked in and smiled - then presented me with a plateful of goodies and a nice cup of tea - was the perfect way to start the day.
Today, as my hubby catches up on his sleep (oh the luxury of having undisturbed sleep. I'm not bitter. Honest!) we've spent the day with my mum and grandparents. People whom I love very much. I feel lucky that I have all these special people still in my life, when I know so many people will have dread this day. My mum, has and continues to be my little rock, who drops everything at a moments notice, & I trust with all my heart. She is a wonderful lady.

Today was nothing out of the ordinary. Quite often when Jamie works weekends I will spend it with my mum. We often go visit my Gran & Grandad and will stop off for a cheeky Mc Donalds on the way - which is exactly what we did today. We spent time chatting, Darcie explored her Great Grandma's jewels and we looked at lots of old photographs. This is something I love doing and I really need to start printing more of our own photo's. It's something a little more special than just scrolling through an online album. 

Before we were due to leave I sat Henry down to have a cuddle with his Great Grandma. The most wonderful thing then took place.

Henry is affectionate but in his own little way. He hadn't got the concept of cuddles yet, but today he mastered it with her. He leant in and kept snuggling with his Grandma and then pulling away to see her reaction. When he was greeted with her beautiful smile he continued to give her more and more. It was as if he was enjoying making his Grandma happy. Which clearly he was.

It brought tears to my eyes, not many children get to experience a bond like that with Grandparents or Great Grandparents. Moment's like that make me miss my Nan & Grandad who passed away before my children were born. They would have been completely besotted by them. 

I have now tucked my two little munchkins into bed and wanted to write down this little memory. This little ordinary moment that filled my heart with so much joy today and it's one that I want to look back on and remember. 

I'm now going to stuff myself silly with my chocolate goodies and snuggle up with the Hubby. Life is good.

Mummy B xoxox

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