Wednesday 3 February 2016

Swaddle Me Wrapsack | Review

Swaddle Me Wrapsack Review

Having a smooth bedtime is something all parents want to get right. It's the part of parenthood most people dread, those horrid sleepless nights. Of course, all babies wake in the night, they need feeding throughout the night in those first few months, so it's something you have to just go with. But there can be other things that make your baby restless through the night, like nappy changes, too hot, too cold, uncomfortable - all of which can be avoided.

Some babies like to be swaddled, an age-old technique for making babies feel secure and less likely to be disturbed. Swaddling creates a slight pressure around your baby's body, a sensation that mirrors the pressure felt in the womb. Swaddle Me has created products that make swaddling a doddle, they have various stages to make sure you baby is safe and content through those first couple of years. 

Swaddling for babies who are rolling over

I was recently asked to review the Swaddle Me Wrapsack, a transitional swaddle so baby can roll over safely. Arms are left free but they still have the security of that swaddling feeling. Its light weight and so easy to use. It has been a hit for my cheeky chappy. I only wish I had tried the swaddle me range when Henry was younger, he enjoyed being swaddled whilst we were in the hospital and although we carried on at home, he soon wriggled free from our homemade swaddle. 

As you can see from the image below the Swaddle Me's really are so easy to use and make swaddling so much easier than the traditional method. When my midwife tried to teach me it went in one ear and out the other... thank goodness for the Swaddle Me!

Image Source

You can get the Swaddle Me Wrapsack from Amazon for £19.99. Does your baby like/liked to be swaddled?

Mummy B xoxox

*Product sent for the purpose of the review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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